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Xbox goes portable...

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da neo|linux, 18 Settembre 2003.

  1. neo|linux

    neo|linux Tribe Member

    15 Febbraio 2005
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Dal sito ufficale XboX arriva la notizia di un monitor LCD da "agganciare" alla nostra amata XboX... ecco la notizia originale:

    JOYTECH, Europe's premier supplier and developer of third party peripherals announce the latest model in their market leading Monitor series, with the release of the 6inch TFT Colour Monitor for the XboxTM Video Game Console.

    Recognized innovators in Video Game Monitor technologies, JOYTECH have received universal acclaim and critical praise for their PSoneTM, GameCubeTM and PS2® models, and look forward to continuing their success story with the latest release. Far from resting on previous creative laurels, JOYTECH have managed to take a further step forward in technology, with the XboxTM Monitor featuring a host of features, unseen on previous models.

    Utilizing crystal clear TFT (Thin Film Transistor) technology, the 6inch display represents the largest TFT screen ever used by JOYTECH for such a peripheral. With an exceptionally wide viewing angle, and deep, rich, 'Blur free' colours thanks to full RGB (Red, Green, Blue) compatibility, the XboxTM Monitor is fully equipped to cope with even the most graphically intensive of software titles, whilst remaining equally well suited to viewing DVD Movies with breathtaking vibrancy.

    Continuing the companies near obsessive attention to audio quality, the XboxTM Monitor follows in the footsteps of their earlier Monitor designs by utilizing world renowned SRS® (Sound Retrieval System) 3D Surround Sound. Working in conjunction with the In-Built Integrated Stereo Speakers, SRS® creates a virtual 360° sound stage, and immerses gamers in their chosen software. Four Stereo Headphone Sockets allows for multi player audio privacy in either stereo or SRS®.

    A full set of AV inputs even allows the Monitor to be used in conjunction with an external AV source such as a VCR or secondary Video Game Console.

    Ray Smith, JOYTECH's UK Sales Manager conveys JOYTECH's enthusiasm for the peripheral. "We're certain that JOYTECH's latest Monitor will be greeted with enthusiasm by both consumers and retail, and are delighted to be able to introduce JOYTECH's impressive Monitor technology to an XboxTM audience both here in the UK, and across Europe"