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[Thread Ufficiale] Waiting For PS4 & Xbox One

Discussione in 'Discussioni Generali sulle Console' iniziata da rewrew, 13 Giugno 2013.


Quale acquisterai?

  1. Xbox One

    17 valutazioni
  2. PS4

    63 valutazioni
  3. WiiU

    5 valutazioni
  4. Rimarrò ancora per un po' all'attuale gen.

    36 valutazioni
  5. Le prendo tutte!

    3 valutazioni
  6. PS4 e Xbox One

    5 valutazioni
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  1. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    MS fai prima a chiudere il progetto One prenderti un anno sabatico e riproporre un hardware piu pompato indipendente dal Kinect e il resto alla vecchia maniera....perderesti meno denaro!
  2. Fifù

    Fifù Tribe Member

    26 Febbraio 2013
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    E allora e stato fatto tanto per fare. Vaaaaaaaaabbbèèèèè
  3. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Ecco come viene descritto in un articolo: "un arcade ibrido che punta al realismo per quanto riguarda la manovrabilità, risultando però decisamente permissivo soprattutto nelle uscite di pista, rallentando il mezzo in maniera quasi istantanea e permettendo quindi di riprendere il controllo dell’auto in pochi secondi" .
    A rewrew piace questo elemento.
  4. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Beh dai video che ho visto su gamerside pare proprio di si.La cosa che ho trovato strano è che gamerside registra quasi sempre i video in 60fps (proprio per dare più realismo alla ripresa sopratutto se riprendono in offscreen) ma i 2 video di drive club erano a 30.Si sà a quanto gira il gioco?
    A rewrew piace questo elemento.
  5. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Sempre su Driveclub:

    Paul Rutchynsky, design director del gioco, ha spiegato meglio i dettagli relativi all'edizione per abbonati.

    "Con l'edizione PlayStation Plus, stiamo offrendo le caratteristiche cardine del gioco a tutti coloro che hanno sottoscritto l'abbonamento. Questo significa che tutte le modalità e tutta l'esperienza single-player saranno lì, nella versione PlayStation Plus. Le sole cose su cui ci saranno delle limitazioni saranno i contenuti, e quei contenuti sono le auto e circuiti" ha precisato Rutchynksy.
    "Potrete giocare online al multiplayer, potrete completare sfide asincrone, potrete affrontare i rivali e raggiungere gli obiettivi social etc, ma se vorrete avere tutti quanti i contenuti, dovrete acquistarli a parte."

    Free to play o doppia versione (una gratis e una a pagamento)?
  6. Doppia versione ma si sapeva :)
  7. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Io non lo sapevo, mi spieghi? Ci sarà una versione su disco e una castrata per i plus?
  8. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Se su ps4 puntano a fare le doppie versioni imho è una cosa ottima.Quando avevo la ps3 ho sempre ritenuto limitante il fatto che diversi giochi arcade e co non avessero le demo come per quelle del live (la famosa "versione di prova")
  9. Robigus

    Robigus Tribe Member

    29 Agosto 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    PSN Tag:
    Che io sappia la prova c'è ma solo per gli iscritti plus.
  10. In sostanza sì, più o meno come l'Essential Edition di FM4 nei bundle rispetto alla versione normale.
    A Stepet82 piace questo elemento.
  11. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Ah ecco :asd:
  12. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Microsoft furious at public relations for poor messaging regarding Xbox One

    MICROSOFTJUNE 13, 2013

    No one seems to be happy about the Xbox One, even Microsoft

    Microsoft is not in a good place right now. After a botched Xbox One reveal in late May followed by weeks of damage control that was stomped on by Sony at their E3 press event, customer approval has never looked so poor for the Xbox brand.

    Apparently, things are not looking good for the careers of certain Microsoft’s public relation's employees as well, considering a Microsoft representative told a source at E3:

    "Most of what we are offering is similar to Sony, but thanks to our balled up messaging (by PR), we are a little on the back foot."

    Now, this is not surprising, given the backlash regarding the console's digital rights management restrictions, always on connectivity requirements, Kinect requirements and everything else regarding price and used/traded games.

    Yes, the policies are what is terrible regarding this console, but Microsoft’s public relations complete lack of portraying them properly over the last month or so is all that Microsoft higher-ups will see though. Given that Microsoft executive Don Mattrick told consumers to buy an Xbox 360 if they want off-line play, I think the clear disconnect here is the executives.

    But it seems this disconnect may go deeper, as Microsoft may have alienated another major factor in game development: Independent games. Now this has been a confusing topic, as the pendulum seems to swing back and forth in if indie developers are for or against the Xbox One policy.

    In an interview with Compulsion Games, the studio behind "Contrast," when asked what platforms the game will be coming to, they responded with:

    "PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and PC." When asked about the Xbox One, they responded "We're Independent."

    I think that says it all regarding how Microsoft has it's policies set up for independent developers, and how most other indie studios may respond in the future.

    Either way, it's interesting to see the consumer and development base both have such a heavy backlash toward Microsoft and their new "future proof" policies. It will be interesting to see if they decided to change any along the way to become more consumer friendly.

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  13. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Senza parole! ma da dove caxxo li pigliano sti dipendenti MS?...si sono persi l'esercito Americano che cogli... senza rispetto pure!

    Microsoft Has Alienated US Troops With Always-Online Xbox One - Troops Look To PS4


    "Hey troops! Buy a PS4!"

    Boy did the Xbox One make a splash when Microsoft revealed that the console had to be connected to the Internet to play games past 24 hours.
    We decided to talk to a few Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers about what this will mean for gaming in the military.

    It's worth noting the military is comprised mostly of males, ages 18 - 35, the key demographic for video games.

    "I predict a major shift to PlayStation Marine Corps-wide," said a former Marine who's done two tours aboard a carrier strike group at sea and who has beta-tested games for various companies. "Xbox is going to tank in the military."

    At any given moment, tens of thousands of service members do not have active access to internet where they live, at home, abroad, and at sea. Factor in shoddy barracks connectivity, and that number may just jump into the hundreds of thousands.

    "Hell, even in barracks its a pain," the Marine said, "what about training ops, shifting rooms, and all manner of ... moves that are going to mess with a necessity for being always online?"

    The solution is simple as far as Microsoft is concerned: then don't get an Xbox One.

    At E3, a reporter bluntly asked Microsoft Chief Of Interactive Entertainment Don Mattrick, "So stick with 360? That’s your message if you don’t like it [having to always be connected]?”

    Then Mattrick went on to say this:

    "Well, if you have zero access to the internet, that is an offline device. I mean seriously, when I read the blogs and thought about who was really the most impacted there was a person who said ‘Hey, I’m on a nuclear sub’ and I don’t even know what it means to be on a nuclear sub but I could imagine that it’s not easy to get an internet connection."

    Mattrick used troops serving aboard a nuclear sub (for which they justifiably get hazardous duty pay) as a punchline to a joke about not having Internet.

    This isn't just an issue about being confined in a submarine. At ship, there is absolutely no Internet. And yet, the Xbox ruled all.

    "Xbox was the previous favorite," the Marine said. "'Halo' has always been an essential team LAN game aboard ship. It was almost a standard. Lots of people had it so easy to link Xboxes for 4 on 4," said the Marine.

    "Xbox was king of social gaming aboard ship."

    The king could fall. Hard.

    A group of gaming Marines, Soldiers and Sailors broke down some numbers for us, and it turns out that somewhere around 25 to 30,000 troops do duty aboard ship at any given moment. Another Navy Sailor pointed out to us that there's at least 6 to 7,000 troops aboard those submarines Mattrick so flippantly referenced.

    Not to mention the majority of the stateside military living in barracks rooms, where random room changes occur regularly.

    Barracks Internet connections are hit or miss at best.

    Counting the Coast Guard, the number of active duty military, most of which lives in barracks housing, rests at around 1.4 million. That's a lot of units sold or not sold — [take our POLL] — even more of a reason Mattrick might want to step tenderly around the subject of uniformed members.

    We contacted Microsoft for a statement about Mattrick's punchline and its implications. In specific, we wanted to know if there was any consideration at all for troops serving in austere conditions.

    This was the Microsoft response we recieved:

    “With Xbox One you can game offline for up to 24 hours on your primary console, or one hour if you are logged on to a separate console accessing your library. Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection. Although we’re very excited about Xbox One, we remain dedicated to Xbox 360 now and for years to come. In fact, we are expecting some of the greatest blockbusters of 2013 and 2014 to come out on Xbox 360 such as ‘Grand Theft Auto V,’ ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts,’ ‘Madden NFL 25’ and ‘FIFA 14.’”

    The canned statement can be boiled down to two things: Microsoft still thinks the XBox 360 will be cool for at least two years, and if you don't have Internet, don't buy an XBox One.

    We responded and pressed for a statement in specific addressing troops who might want to buy an XBox One console and then take it with them on a deployment or, in many cases, just plug it into their barracks room and play.

    The response we received was that Microsoft had nothing more to say on the topic.

    So if you're in the military and a gamer (likely) with the potential of having spotty internet (we've been there), Microsoft wants you to buy 10-year-old old Xbox 360 technology. For those troops not at all too keen on having a non-playable XBox One 24 hours after disconnecting it from the web or a "new" old generation 360, there's always the next generation PS4 which is playable offline.
    Ultima modifica: 14 Giugno 2013
  14. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Si stanno tirando da soli la m addosso. Spero in qualche licenziamento, soprattutto di quelle tre facce da c che hanno presentato la console, Mattrick in primis.
    A MmK83 e nick69 piace questo messaggio.
  15. Robigus

    Robigus Tribe Member

    29 Agosto 2010
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    PSN Tag:
    Io spero nelle dimissioni di Ballmer e Harrison.
    A nick69 e Stepet82 piace questo messaggio.
  16. La più grande mossa di Hirai è stata quella di infiltrare Phil Harrison in Microsft :asd:

    (Phil Harrison incapace comunque: lancio flop PS3, fallimento Atari e presentazione disastrosa Xbox One)
    A MmK83, nick69, Stepet82 e 3 altri utenti piace questo elemento.
  17. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Da quello che sto leggendo su siti esteri MS sta "sparendo" con le pre vendite sul proprio territorio...ha contro anche Gamestop.

    Mattrick veramente fuori dai coglioni zero rispetto verso l'esercito della propria nazione....che merda di uomo
    A MmK83 e robocop_88 piace questo messaggio.
  18. Stepet82

    Stepet82 Guest

    Loro due, Mattrick e quell'altro... Youssuf o come si chiama che faceva finta di usare il kinect mentre in tasca premeva il telecomando.
    A MmK83 piace questo elemento.
  19. nick69

    nick69 Tribe Member

    10 Marzo 2006
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Bill ma che caxxo hai messo in MS??? Da quando se ne andato sembra che li abbiano assunti tutti in una "fumeria d'oppio"!

    Intanto il sondaggio Amazon è arrivato a 32900 PS4 contro 1827 Xbox One.....novembre è lontano.
    Ultima modifica: 14 Giugno 2013
  20. MmK83

    MmK83 Tampax Compak

    23 Aprile 2007
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Serio?Effettivamente ora che ci penso aveva sempre una mano in tasca :rotfl:
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