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Released: Xbox Media Center (XBMC) Xbins CVS 2004-02-12

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 13 Febbraio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xbox Media Center (XBMC) Xbins CVS 2004-02-12

    >> A new Xbins CVS Compile of XboxMediaCenter has been released.
    What's new/fixed:

    * added: 8 updated skins are included in this build: Project Mayhem, HiFi, Retro, BlackBlue, lixxbox, MediaCenter (default), Media Center (alternative), FlatStyle
    * added: DHCP support in dash mode (see xboxmediacenter.xml)
    * added: XBMC now logs to xbmc.log when starting up. Helps finding those installation problems...
    * added: my music: ff/rw for audio files
    * added: my pictures: large icons view
    * added: my videos: ability to set bookmarks in OSD
    * added: my videos: imdb thumbnails are now stored in thumbs\imdb by using IMDB numbers
    * added: my videos: large icons view
    * added: my videos: manual IMDB lookup button, lets you enter a movie name with the on-screen keyboard
    * added: my videos: nocache option in OSD for badly interleaved files
    * added: my videos: option to specify an external dvd player (see xboxmediacenter.xml)
    * added: my videos: replay tv patch from sourceforge (untested)
    * added: my videos: separate section in keymap.xml for controlling the OSD
    * added: my videos: support for OpenDML avi files
    * added: my videos: support for video streaming (ogm,avi,mpg) via .pls files
    * added: my videos: view by title (when using video database)
    * added: my videos: viewing IMDB info of movies in your database now lets you set a DVD number
    * added: my weather (configure your area code in xboxmediacenter.xml) (thx to mynci)
    * added: settings: ac3 passthrough split into 2 seperate options. One for stereo AC3 and one for multichannel AC3
    * fixed: mono audio playback was broken
    * fixed: my videos: ac3 passthru fixes (some users experienced choppy playback)
    * fixed: my videos: fast-forward / rewind improvements
    * fixed: my videos: movies without audio played too fast
    * fixed: my videos: short movie names disappeared when using filestacking
    * fixed: my videos: yet more sync fixes
    * fixed: smb leaving open sessions
    * updated: my music: further scan speedup
    * updated: my videos: default setting for postprocessing is off (results in better quality with current mplayer code)
    * updated: my videos: mplayer.dll to XVID codec 1.0 RC2 Jambo
    * updated: smb name resolving and share browsing speeded up