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Xbox360 copia musica sull'hd solo da CD

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da SeV3n, 23 Novembre 2005.

  1. SeV3n

    SeV3n Administrator

    3 Novembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Polimi / Monza Beach
    Secondo quanto apparso in un articolo tratto dalla pagine del noto network gamespot, non sarebbe possibile copiare file musicali sull'hd della console se non da CD.

    La 360 sarebbe quindi in grado di riprodurre musica in streaming o da periferiche USB collegate ad essa, non sarebbe tuttavia in grado di trasferire tali contenuti sul proprio HD. L'unica via percorribile per il trasferimento di musica è ancora la classica operazione di ripping da CD. Speriamo che questa limitazione venga eliminata con le future release della Microsoft Dashboard.

    We connected an iPod Shuffle to the system using a USB cable, and the 360 was able to recognize the Shuffle's name and play songs from the device without a problem. Our HDD came preloaded with a small MP3 song sampler, but we wasted no time in loading up the system with our own music. We popped a music CD into the system, and the 360 recognized our CD and displayed the album title and a complete song list. You can play songs or rip the CD to the hard drive from the 360's music player screen. Ripping an entire album to the hard drive takes a few minutes, but you can edit the song name, artist, and genre tags attached to each song while you wait. The music player has a 3D virtualization window that plays a cool graphics show in rhythm with the song. You can also use the gamepad to play with the virtualization to add a new level of interactivity.

    Get used to ripping tracks from audio CDs because that's the only way we could get music onto the 360's HDD. The console could recognize and play MP3 songs from USB devices like memory sticks and portable media players, but we couldn't transfer songs over to the HDD. Similarly, the system could play songs from a data CD that contained MP3s, but we couldn't transfer the music directly to the system's HDD. The 360 can stream music from USB devices and data CDs, but it won't let you copy any songs from those sources.