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XboxDash.Net and BlackStormX Merge Into User Interface X

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 10 Ottobre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    XboxDash.Net and BlackStormX Merge Into User Interface X

    >> From xboxdash.net and blackstormx.com:

    "Tear down the wall" - Pink Floyd, the Wall.
    When the Berlin Wall came down it symbolized the end of an era of oppression and the beginning of the promise of a better tomorrow. Today it is with great pleasure we announce another wall coming down, one that separated alot of good people in this scene, and with the levelling of that wall we bring you another promise for a better tomorrow. The wall that has separated the BlackstormX and "tHc" users and developers is that wall. No more "dash wars", no more animosity. Just the people who can bring you the best possible product working together to do just that. BlackStormX 2.0 and XboxDashNext have merged to form User Interface X (UIX). The dash by the scr ipters - for the scr ipters (and anyone else who wants a killer 3d dash).
    This dash will feature all the new scr iptable goodies you can imagine including FTP, full featured menus with icons, a file manager, game copier, and then some (if we tell you all now what fun is that ?). Coming soon to an Xbox in front of you... UIX