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Xbox v1.4 (and v1.5!) hacked

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 18 Settembre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xbox v1.4 (and v1.5!) hacked

    >> An update from the new v1.4 xbox (and now also v1.5) research.

    Troed made a little conclusion of the information so far on the v1.4/v1.5 research thread:

    v1.4 is hacked ... and v1.5 too!

    v1.4 is a v1.3 with the new videochip (Focus) and needs a modbios based on the original bios 5101. No such modbios has been released yet, but rest assured the usual modbios-developers are working hard on it already.

    v1.5 is a v1.4 but with power and ground disconnected from the LPC bus. This change is most certainly made to make the no-solder modchips need soldering, but poses no real problem since modchip installers can connect ground and 3.3V to the correct LPC-points themselves.

    At the moment v1.4 has only been spotted in Sweden, with the manufacture dates 2003-07-24 and 2003-07-29. v1.5 has been spotted in Hongkong with the dates 2003-08-03 and 2003-08-05. There's no good method to distinguish these from one another except to measure if pin 2 (ground) on the LPC-bus is connected to the ground plane (a screw, for example) or not. Both v1.4 and v1.5 have 33xxx as the last group of five digits in the serial number.

    Fonte: XBox-Scene.com