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Xbox Media Center (XBMC) Xbins CVS 2003-11-23

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 23 Novembre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xbox Media Center (XBMC) Xbins CVS 2003-11-23

    >> A new version of XboxMediaCenter has been released.
    What's new/fixed (from Readme):

    * added: WMV9 support v0.1
    * added: UI Resolution now changes on the fly (Only among valid resolutions as defined in the MS Dash)
    * added: On the fly resolution switching to Screen Calibration (white/title buttons)
    * added: support for iso9660 rockridge extension - long iso filenames on cdr/dvdr display fully now
    * added: Screen Calibration can now be performed without a video playing
    * added: Pixel Aspect Ratio correction in Screen Calibration
    * changed: Calibration.bin has changed - please delete before upgrading
    * changed: Improved resolution switching speed
    * changed: Movie Calibration now changed to Screen Calibration - handles both movies and pictures
    * fixed: Pictures/Slideshow now uses correct calibration calculations Skin
    * fixed: music/video overlay didnt show hours if song/movie >= 1hour
    * fixed: videos only play for 1sec over SMB
    * fixed: a bug in old code for av sync when reopen files
    * fixed: my programs: dont show parent path for shortcuts
    * fixed: my programs: filters out the dashupdate.xbe,downloaded.xbe etc
    * fixed: my programs: scanning also regenerates the thumbnails
    * fixed: my programs: some applications werent found by scanning
    * fixed: WMV8 using wmvdmod.dll v0.1, fix Freelibrary
    * fixed: visualisation didnt work when doing skip+ / skip- with CDDA
    * fixed: Ac3 sync ugly fix, now add comment, and restrict to one line
    * fixed: Crash in Movie Calibration if calibrating and movie finishes.
    * fixed: Slideshow/Picture view used UI calibration incorrectly.
    * updated: to latest xvid codec v0.9.2
    * updated: French language file
    * updated: patch against mplayer cvs of 22-11-2003