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Xbox Dash 10027100 Patchers

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 9 Settembre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xbox Dash 10027100 Patchers

    >> The XboxDash CReW released new patches for the MS Dashboard. From the readme:

    This release is really 5 in 1. All have the autofill and soundtrack functionlity as well as a new more user configurable config.xap file. Many options were added to it so be sure to thoroughly go through it the first time you set it up. Also included in all versions are a couple of firsts... the first time most of you will see a beta menu we have revived :) And also the first 21 xip dash - thanks to the use of a no xip hacked xbe. Unfortunately due to this fact these patches are only compatable with the version 4920 dash (xboxdashdata.10027100). Before I get into the descr iptions of each patch I must stress the few known bugs that we have found. First and most importantly - they are NOT compatable with memory cards. If you have a memory card in your controller when you go to the memory menu - it will tell you it has just formatted your card. And it does. Seeing as how you needed a chip and ftp access to your xbox to even put the dash on in the first place - this shouldn't really be an issue. Saves can be ftp'd on to your box - and if you need to take a save on the go to a friends house - put the card in - it'll be formatted for you - but you can still save to it afterwards. The other known issue is with a stock 8gb HD with no F partition. There's a simple fix for this one though thankfully. If you happen to be stuck with the stock 8gb HD - simply edit default.xip/default.xap - scroll down into the auto fill function and replace all the checks on Partition6 with Partition4 or 5. Simply replacing them all with Partition1 will result in multiples of all listed titles - so go with an existing, non-utilized partition :)

    Now on to the good stuff....

    * Xbox Dash 10027100 Stock Base Model Patcher.exe
    This is the first step for any of the desired results. All the other patchers in this release were designed to be run on the files you will get as a result of this patcher. So if yo uwant a blue dash with the cellwall effect, run this patcher first - then run the Xbox Dash 10027100 Blue with CellWall Patcher on the files you just patched. The base model is just as it sounds - a stock looking dash with all the goodies we could pack in it (for now hehe)

    * Xbox Dash 10027100 Green with CellWall Patcher.exe
    Running this patcher on patched base model files will give a green dash with the cellwall effect in the background, and a little something extra in your dash :) This is a skinned dash with a little eye candy we threw in to make up for not having the save icons in the orbs yet. Read below on how to further skin this mod.

    * Xbox Dash 10027100 Green No CellWall Patcher.exe
    This patcher will result in the same the last one - but with no cellwall effect in the background so your custom backgrounds can be clearly seen. Again - read below on skinning.

    * Xbox Dash 10027100 Blue with CellWall Patcher.exe & Xbox Dash 10027100 Blue No CellWall Patcher.exe
    Same as the green ones - but kicked up a notch with everyone's favorite blue mod ;)