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XB-News v1.0 build 0311

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 9 Novembre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    XB-News v1.0 build 0311

    >> New version of XB-News has been Released.
    What's new/fixed:

    * BUG: Right mouse click to access menu from news list would sometimes not be recognised. Fixed
    * NEW: The splitter bar between the item list and the browser window is now adjustable. The position is retained when exiting XB-News. Requested by Shawn.
    * BUG: If the up/down arrow keys were held down to move quickly through the site/item lists XB-News would crash with a runtime error. Fixed. Reported by Shawn.
    * BUG: After a failed download XB-News would wait for a long period before downloading the next site. Now after a failed download XB-News will move straight onto the next site.
    * NEW: User configurable option to retain a messages new status When you exit XB-News any items marked as new will retain the new status and will be re-marked as new when XB-News is run again. If not selected any new messages will be marked as unread when XB-News is run again.
    * BUG: When new items were in a list they would be changed to unread if more new items became available. This has now been fixed so that all new items remain as new until read or marked as read.