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XB-News v1.0 build 0298

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 3 Novembre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    XB-News v1.0 build 0298

    >> New version of XB-News has been released.
    What's new/fixed:

    * BUG: Settings were not all being saved in a multi user environment. Fixed.
    * BUG: Animated tray icon when new itms were available was not working. Fixed
    * NEW: Added support for http://www.gueux.net. Another French Xbox site. If you know of any other Xbox feeds you think should be in XB-News please let me know.
    * NEW: Current multi-user or single-user status is now displayed in the status bar. The currently logged on username will be displayed and used for personal settings.
    * NEW: If a site fails to download, a total of the successive failues will be kept by XB-News. At certain levels an alert will be displayed notifying you of the errors.
    * BUG: When clicking in the "white area" of the site list the selected site/news item will act as though it has been clicked on. Fixed.
    * NEW: User configurable options to view a download progress bar and/or an activity history log added
    * CHANGE: Added support for XB-News feed again but it is now possible to turn it off. This is so that I can notify users of bugs when they are found and keep them informed of any changes being made.
    * NEW: When changing the "Multi User" setting in the options screen the current settings for that profile will be loaded into the settings list.
    * NEW: Checks for ASCII codes in the news items and converts them as required. For example ' = ', all characters from ASCII 33 to 255 are checked for. Also added limited support for & codes, such as >, £ etc.
    * NEW: The different coloured backgrounds for the site titles is now a user option.
    * NEW: You can changed the way the message status totals are displayed in the site titles. By default they show the number of new, unread and total messages. Option now available to just display the total of new messages.
    * NEW: You can now define your own period of time to wait between checks for news ranging from 1 minute up to a maximum of 24 hours.