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XB-News v1.0 build 0276

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 12 Ottobre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    XB-News v1.0 build 0276

    >> XB-News is an RSS newsfeed reader dedicated to specific Xbox sites.
    What's new/fixed:

    * BUG: If an error occured whilst downloading a news feed an alert box would be shown and would halt XB-News running until you clicked "ok". This is now fixed and the error is without halting XB-News
    * BUG: My mistake, I accidently uploaded a version which had the popup alerts staying up until they were clicked, this was for my own debug purposes. I quickly took this one down but some of you may have already downloaded it. Now fixed.
    * NEW: The RSS downloading is now done by a queue system. Before all feeds were downloaded simultaneously which could have cause problems if a feed site was down.
    * CHANGE: I removed the news feed for the XB-News site. This is mainly becuase once a release is out you will get the news directly from any of the other sites.
    * NEW: When a new version of XB-News is available you will get a popup alert notifying you. This will stay visible until you click on it. The latest version can then be downloaded from any of the Xbox distribution sites or from the XB-News website.
    * NEW: Added a Multi user option. If XB-News runs on a system with different user accounts select this option. Each user will then have there own settings saved when they login.