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WinHME Gui v1.48 With *new* HaloMapExpander (Neutered Edition)

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 13 Settembre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    WinHME Gui v1.48 With *new* HaloMapExpander (Neutered Edition)

    >> Jimmsta released a new version of WinHME Gui. What's new fixed (since v1.475 release):

    * Made a fixed version of Win32HME.
    -This means that there should not be anymore problems when recompressing the cache map files.
    * Minor adjustments to the cvs code makes all the 'advanced' features dead.
    -They aren't in the source code at all, and all traces have been removed. HME is now working better than ever, and no more dirty-disc errors for everyone ;)
    * The program name no longer includes the "GUI" part. I got tired of writing gui all the time...
    -The newest version looks more and more like a launching app for many different GUI's and halohacking apps.
    * Small bug fixes with option boxes fixed
    -No longer limits you to clicking the same OS more than once (That was an easy fix)
    -The Text Output checkbox has been idiot-proofed... at least I think it has...
    -The GUI itself is a little bit bigger, with more 'elbow space'
    * BatchFile Maker is now included. It has been tweaked, and now has a nice browse button. BAT file creation should be implanted within the next few days... or weeks, b/c of school.
    * More credit given to the various program authors ;)
    -PfhorSlayer finally gets credit for coding HME -- Sorry! --
    -KornKob gets credit for BanshInject!
    -And anyone else I forgot to mention, also get credit!
    -Look at the About Box!!!
    * This will be the last release that ran the old codebase. The new codebase is from the program "BatchFile Maker", and is more stable.
    -Any bugs that seemed too annoying to fix are gone, and replaced with new features, and no, there're not like the features that you get with a new version of windows.... (not bugs)
    -A new codebase that allows more error-controlling code, and allows for a more streamlined release system.
    * The source code will be released for this version, and all the rest before it. Do what you wish with it.
    -I will be accepting user feedback, and will add to the newer versions as I see fit. (Or by how many people request a certain feature).