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SlaYer's EvoX Auto-Installer v2.5

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 25 Ottobre 2003.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    SlaYer's EvoX Auto-Installer v2.5

    >> A new version of the popular SlaYer's EvoX installer has been released.
    From SlaYer on forums.xbox-scene.com:

    New SlaYer's EvoX Auto-Installer v2.5 features (built on v2.1):
    * Includes latest versions of all Xbox homebrew tools and bioses (as of release date)
    * Support for >137GB HD's and the G: Drive
    * XBOX v1.0 - V1.5 Support (possible future versions too)
    * Ability to install EvoX & Apps in F: for Stealth Mode
    * Ability to restore the retail Xbox HD to retail mode
    * Ability to Format the F: or G: partitions independently
    * Latest Stable Media Player XBMP Custom Configured with ShoutCast Radio
    * Customized X2 4977 *FC* Bios that boot "evoXdash.xbe" 1st from F: then from C: with failover to "default.xbe" on DVD
    * Further customized X2 4977 *FC* +137GB Bios that adds support for >137GB HD's
    * Ability to flash virtually ANY v1.0-v1.5 XBOX TSOP and MOD chip with 1MB or 256K
    * Ability to flash an X2, Chameleon, Akira or any other 1MB Cromwell based MOD chip with X2 4977 *FC* +137G just by inserting this v2.5 installer disk.
    * Ability to restore the "exploitable" M$ dash if replaced by Xbox Live
    * Listened to everyone's concearns for size and kept the installer small, around the 105MB mark.
    * Docs are now released as locked & encrypted PDF's to prevent fake releases

    Software Included (along with the unchanged tools from v2.1):
    * EvolutionX Dash v1.8.3921
    * XboxMediaPlayer v2.4 CVS 09-24-03 (the 2.4 CVS 10-13-03 release was full of bugs so I ignored it)
    * Px-HDD Loader v1.2a
    * dvd2xbox v0.4.9
    * boXplorer 0.96 G: Patched
    * BiosChecker v3.1
    * XB-FTP v0.61
    * XCommander R2 G: Patched
    * Avalaunch 0.48 (can auto-download the Qwix PC ISO Manager)
    * xboxdash dvd region free patch disc v1.03