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Released: ZXBTools 1.6a

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 13 Luglio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    ZXBTools 1.6a

    >> A new version of ZXBTools - an iso extracting/creating tool.

    What's new/fixed:

    * Fixed some problems in translation.
    * Fixed cdx configuration files (added the line "## Mainmenu Goes Here")
    * Added more compatibility with MXM skins.
    * Last paths for xbe/isos will be saved for next execution of program.
    * Added new betatesters to windows "About"
    * Added preview for CDX skins.
    * Added manage and download for CDX skins.
    * Added new option for CDX menus, "Launch cdx.xbe instead of game xbe"
    This option was be added because some games (ex XIII) doesnt work when are launched from CDX. Selecting this option, this games will be launched well from CDX. This mode is explained here:
    +When this option is selected, we make a copy of cdx xbe (cdx.xbe) to game directory, and we modify executable path in CDX configuration file for the file cdx.xbe (but renamed to zxbtools.xbe)
    +Executing the game from menu, zxbtools.xbe will be launched. How configuration files of cdx doesnt be finded in game directory, default.xbe of his directory will be launche, so, will be launched the game (without pressing button)
    +If this option is selected and some game have "cdxmedia" directorio (this only happends when game have demos), a windows will be showed warning of this. For this game, we make how if this option wasnt be checked.