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Released: Yoshihiro EvoX M8 1.6B Memory Fix Beta 4

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 7 Novembre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Yoshihiro EvoX M8 1.6B Memory Fix Beta 4

    >> Yoshihiro released a modified version of the EvoX M8 v1.6 Bios for Xbox v1.6B.

    From Yoshihiro on forums.xbox-scene.com:

    * Fixed Hynix Memory (RAM init timings). Full init is now same as MS 5838 retail.
    * Can now retrieve temperature info but CPU and Motherboard values are wrong for an unknown reason. HDD temperature is correct.

    * Doesn't work with EVtool.
    PS: Nghshtd u can add this M8 on EVtool please.

    Hi all. After I saw the news of SmartXX about M8_v1.6 problems I have been working this night on a M8 fix.
    I rewrote all memory stuff on the init-table. Now the init-table is 100% same as 5838 MS retail and I've forced the xcalibur encoder so this bios is only for the v1.6/v1.6B.
    If any one can test on Xbox v1.6B, please report. I have tested this bios only on a simple v1.6 and it all runs fine.
    WARNING: Do NOT run this bios on a Xbox v1.0 to v1.5 please - it is very dangerous!

    *UPDATE* Yoshihiro has now released Beta4 that should fix the blank screen issue. The bios should now boot correctly on v1.6 and v1.6B. Yoshihiro apologizes for the problems the previous release might have caused.
    Keep in mind it's still beta (so use at own risk).

    Friendly Yoshihiro
    Greetz: Team SmartXX , EvoX Team , Gueux.NeT, XOS team, And all guy of the scene :)