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Released: XSelect 0.9

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 2 Agosto 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    XSelect 0.9

    >> A new release from a new author based on the old sources..
    From the readme:
    What is this?
    A program that can run other Xbox executables.

    It seems this was originally created to be the fastest interface to
    launch several different (dashboard) programs, and remember a default.

    What is so good about this program?

    It is less than 35% of the size of the Evolution-X RemoteX dashboard, and less than 20% of the filesize of Evo-X RemoteX if XBEPack is used. Other dashboards are even larger: This is 12%-ish of UnleashX's size.This can be non-interactive and ignored except for when it is useful. An Xbox controller can be used to find any file to execute, even one buried deeply in nested sub-directories, without any pre-made config files. (Advantages over Evo-X RemoteX, not the single-file UnleashX.)
    These, and its speed of use, are the strong points. XSelect also has a password feature (which may be unique, if not very useful).