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Released: XLink Kai is Online..

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 17 Ottobre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    New XLink Kai is Online..

    >> From TeamXlink.co.uk:

    The new XLink Kai has been released. It is important to note that you *must reinstall* - autoupdate has not been used on this update. I'm going to summarise the various parts of this release below - please read them.


    The Win32 Kai package has undergone massive changes - both visually and in the background. The frame handing core has been rewritten - thanks to the generosity of the XR8D community, Kai now uses psSDK - the fastest and most efficient packet capture / injection core ever created. This, combined with a complete UDP core rewrite, including a brand new MAC caching subsystem make Kai *by far* the fastest frame tunnel available - for all consoles.
    Thanks to dfunked, you now have an awesome UI - consistent, fast, sexy - it's what we wanted Kai to be in the first place - and now it's done.
    A full changelog for this Windows release was planned - but to be honest, it's been so long - and so much has been done - I wouldn't stand a chance of getting it all at one go. So just *play* - you will notice the difference within seconds ;).


    Well, what to say.. I'm a *nix scheptic - always have been really - but I cannot deny that spending the last few weeks working with Luis (^S^) on the cross-platform code for the kaiEngine has given me a new view on all this stuff. You can download binaries for Linux and OSX right now!! Be assured, even though these cores only support Messenger mode and XBox, *great things* are being planned by ^S^ and his selected platform assistants. This is the fastest growing area of Kai - and I couldn't be happier that we have someone like Luis at the helm.. simply awesome work.


    A *very* simple and early UI API has been made available - and I will be opening the Developer forums on TX ASAP. I hope this helps the people who have been playing with kaiUI to take the next step - but I certainly still need your input to move these documents forward. Expect a *lot* of frequent updates to this release - please post in the "Update Me" thread in our Developer forum (when it's enabled) to get email notifications of API updates. Click here to download the alpha API.
    The WML Services for Kai have slipped a bit - it was expected. I'll clean the rest up tomorrow - look out for a news post about it. If anything was to slip, I'm glad it's this - and nothing serious.

    Finally, a note to all the people who have been involved in this release - from both Kai's moderation group and from external Clans and other user groups. This release would not be here right now, if it wasn't for your hard work - *please* enjoy this release - you've all earned it..