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Released: Xlink Kai Beta 003 - first public release

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 3 Gennaio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xlink Kai Beta 003 - first public release

    >> Team Xlink released the first public beta version of their new and completely rewritten Xlink tunneling program.
    XLink allows you to play Xbox games online with other people - completely free and legal. Each game with LAN-support will work, that includes popular games like: Halo, Project Gotham Racing2, Rainbow Six, SegaGT Online, CounterStrike, XIII, ...
    And there seems to be some confusion about this, so I'll repeat it: it works on both unmodded and modded Xbox.

    From flat235(TheDaddy) on the Kai Forums[forums.xbox-scene.com]:

    Hello everyone,

    Kai beta 0003 is available from the location below.
    So, sign yourselves up here if you don't already have a Kai xtag, then get testing.

    Signup: http://www.xboxlink.co.uk/kaisignup.php
    Client: http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/~xbox/xbox-scene/tools/tunnel/kai0003.zip

    One thing - *please* understand that there are still *massive* chunks of features missing here - it would be best if you could only report stuff which is actually wrong / broken with whats there already - instead of feature requests etc.

    Also, dont be suprised if theres disturbance to the orb mesh at some points - thats natural, as we're working with a lot of new code in the orbs too..

    Also, I cant be arse to give you instructions - but ill get some stuff into a FAQ soon.. (basically, leave the "force port" the hell alone, and dont end up with multiple winpcaps installed - thats about it).

    I will start various discussion threads over the next few days - asking or your input on the direction of certain things for 0004 .. but until then, enjoy..

    How to use (short): make an Xtag, download, unzip, launch 'Launcher.exe', click 'Install WinPCap' if it's not installed on your system yet, then click 'Launch Kai', fill in the xtag and pass you made, click login, now MAXIMIZE(!) the application to see the chatroom.