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Released: Xenium OS v1.1

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 20 Febbraio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xenium OS v1.1

    >> From the readme:

    - Focus/Component video support: Xenium-OS will now work with component video cables (HDTV) on V1.4 & V1.5 consoles.
    - Focus video resolution: Xenium-OS resolution for the focus chipset has been increased to 800x600 so all screens are identical for Conexant & Focus owners.
    - Boot without controllers: There is no longer a need for a controller to be present when booting to a default bios from Xenium-OS.
    - Controller compatibility: A range of third party controllers, steering wheels, lightguns and IR remotes are now compatible with the Xenium-OS. Please report any further incompatibilities on our message forums at http://www.ozxodus.com
    - EEprom Tools LED warning: Console's power LED now changes to RED when saving EEprom data as a safety measure.
    - Onscreen keyboard overlap with Focus chipset: Some keys were not visible when using a V1.4 or V1.5 console.
    - HDD Browser bug: When exiting the browser without selecting a file, Xenium-OS will not lockup anymore.

    - Instant Boot (tm): The ability to instantly boot your console using the default bios and skip the Xenium-OS splash page. Once enabled in the Xenium-OS settings menu you can power on your console using the power button and boot to the default bios, otherwise press the Eject button to start your console up in the Xenium-OS. No additional hardware install wires are required for this feature!!
    - Onscreen Keyboard Upgrade: Symbols are now available for bios naming.
    - Bank LED Colors: Assign a different color of the Xenium's LED to each bios bank. Default colors are Bank 1 = Green, Bank 2 = Red, Bank 3 = Blue, Bank 4 = Amber.
    - Drive Info: Reports HDD model, capacity and lock status as well as DVD-Rom model.
    - Lock/Unlock HDD: Lock or Unlock your HDD from Xenium-OS.
    - Smart Drive Upgrade: Upgrade your HDD within Xenium-OS by replacing your DVD-Rom with a new HDD (set as Slave) for the duration of the cloning process. (Works with with source drives < 137Gb).
    - Copy Partitions: Copy a HDD's partition to another HDD. Supports Partitions C,E,F,X,Y and Z.
    - Format Partitions: Individually format your C,E,F,X,Y and Z partitions.
    - Autodetection of X2 4981 series bioses.
    - IR Support: You can navigate the Xenium-OS with your IR remote control using the following button mappings.
    Menu Navigation
    Up,Down,Left & Right buttons = Controller's D-PAD
    Select or 1 buttons = Controller's A button
    2 buttons = Controller's B button
    3 buttons = Controller's X button
    4 buttons = Controller's Y button
    Additional QuickStart buttons
    Menu button = Controller's White button
    Back button = Controller's B button
    0 button = Controller's Black button

    - When two devices are inserted into both memory card slots on a single controller, Xenium-OS navigation is not possible. To resolve this problem simply remove one device. Fault confirmed with 2 x memory cards as well as 1 x memory card and 1 x voice communicator.
    - Controller button sensitivity may vary depending on what controller combinations are installed into what ports.
    - Failure to boot Original Bios, this bug has been documented on our forums although at this point we have not been able to simulate the fault. We suggest that if you experiance this problem that you use a bios bank to enter the MS Dashboard and confirm your date and time settings are correct, thus far this is the most effective way to rectify the problem.

    Download (CD/ISO Version): here
    Download (HDD Version): here