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Released: Xecuter FlashBIOS v3.03 Tutorials and More

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 16 Dicembre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xecuter FlashBIOS v3.03 Tutorials and More

    >> From Team Xecuter:

    It's just been pointed out to us that we didn't tell anyone that we posted this tutorial a few weeks ago - some users seem to think you still have to burn CDR's and such, so here it is.
    Explains in detail exactley what the legal FlashBIOS that is pre flashed to all X2.6CE and X3 mods does including the various ways to Flash your X2.6CE/X3 with a feature rich bios that 99.9% of the scene demands (Maybe even 100% but you can't please everyone).
    There is also extensive troubleshooting for those who have any problems. If you require help please feel free to ask in our X3 Bios Flashing Support Forums

    On a side note the Xapt3r is now in stock at all stores including the X3 Pro Switch in both Black and Crystal versions. The X3 Control Panel will be shipping from Dec 20th so should be available just after Christmas - there will be both the Black and Crystal versions available.
    The Xapt3r 1.6 prototype will be revealed shortly and the new X3 Bios which we know many of you have been anticipating will hopefully be released this weekend if everything goes to plan - there have been MANY new features / tweaks / fixes / additions by requests from Xecuter customers.

    We apologise for having no Christmas anecdotes and useless hype to offer you - we're too busy delivering on new products and software for you to have something that you will physically enjoy.