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Released: Xecuter FlashBIOS v2.6 BETA

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 13 Agosto 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xecuter FlashBIOS v2.6 BETA

    >> Team Xecuter released a beta version of their new Xecuter FlashBIOS:

    We have updated the Linux bios that we distribute with X2 mods to co-incide with the release of the X2.6. As you can see we have added a couple more features that will be of use.

    v2.6 Update:
    * Updated Cromwell from v2.3.2
    * HDTV / Svideo Support for Conexant / Focus (v1.0 - v1.5)
    * Composite video support for Xcalibur (v1.6)
    * New Unlock / Lock HDD feature - works on v1.0 - v1.6
    * New Load Bios from HDD feature

    We have tested this on all boxes from v1.0 to v1.6 - however we prefer to get feedback from the public in order to jump on any unforseen errors.
    Please test loading bios from hdd and flashing / loading bios from disc and flashing / unlock / lock hdd / video outpout reports (especially for v1.6).
    For v1.6 the bios is COMPOSITE VIDEO compatible only.
    As usual - even tho we have taken great care in this build and tested it ourselves we cannot guarantee it will work for you - so we will not be held responsible for a stuff xbox yadd yada yadda
    Bios will boot on all mods but will flash X2.x Mods only. Unlock / Lock should work fine with all other mods too.
    Once we are satisfied with the stability we will of course release the full sources.
    We look forward to your feedback in this thread: