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Released: XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) 2005-01-06 CVS build

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 7 Gennaio 2005.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    >> A new CVS compile of XboxMediaCenter has been released.

    What's New/Fixed (since 2005-01-02):

    - 06-01-2004 changed: New pixel shader output does YV12->RGB in one pass (using Butcher's old code).
    - 06-01-2005 removed: guide mapping from MCE remote in keymap.xml - was an unnecessary double up.
    - 06-01-2005 fixed: [ 1088812 ] Onscreen Keyboard fails when editing shares.
    - 06-01-2005 fixed: [ 1094724 ] Fan speed display bug
    - 06-01-2005 fixed: IMDb didn't filter HTML codes if a single match was found.
    - 06-01-2005 fixed: Texel alignment in video playback.
    - 06-01-2005 fixed: default.tbn sometimes did not get generated in proper directory.
    - 05-01-2005 fixed: [ 1094725 ] Getting stuck on system info screen
    - 05-01-2005 updated: Polish language file (Thnx to napek)
    - 05-01-2005 fixed: possible problems with progress dialogs
    - 05-01-2005 fixed: slow startup with DVD in drive
    - 04-01-2005 fixed: music/video info hang
    - 04-01-2005 fixed: [ 1092849 ] Cancel saving profile freezes the xbox
    - 04-01-2005 fixed: [ 1092854 ] Music slide/shutdown menu freeze
    - 04-01-2005 changed: modal dialogs are completely rendered by the window manager now
    - 04-01-2005 fixed: play a song in a folder, goto videos, start a movie, when movie ends the songs is played again
    - 03-01-2005 updated: Chinese (Simple) language file (Thnx to iikii)