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Released: xboxhdm v.1.6.1

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 16 Luglio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    xboxhdm v.1.6.1

    >> A new version of xboxhdm - a small xbox linux distro for easy softmod setup - has been released.

    What's new/fixed:

    * An small update to 1.6. No new functionality, but the changes mentioned below have been requested frequently be users so I figure a .1 update was in order.
    * The HDD detection on Primary Master was improved so that the xboxhd tool works for locked HDD's also (previously the tool aborted, telling the user to unlock the HDD). Now menu options 1-5 are simply disabled if the drive is locked but the user can still generate the HDD password if the eeprom was included on the CD and make a DOS floppy with locking/unlocking tools.
    * When making the DOS floppy with locking tools from the xboxhd menu option 7), the HDD password will be written to the floppy, and on reboot the user will have two new commands :
    -lockhd, will prompt you to choose a drive and will lock the HDD with the password written to the floppy by xboxhd
    -unlockhd, will both unlock the HDD and disable locking with the password written on the floppy
    So the locking unlocking should be automatic and hopefully prevent users from producing paperweights.
    If the locking was not succesful doing it this way, you should always be able to unlock the drive again with the password stored on the floppy in : input\hdpass.txt