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Released: Xbox Media Center (XBMC) Xbins CVS 2004-02-01

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 1 Febbraio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Xbox Media Center (XBMC) Xbins CVS 2004-02-01

    >> A new Xbins CVS Compile of XboxMediaCenter has been released.
    What's new/fixed (From ReadMe):

    added: 128x128 thumbnails for skins
    added: matrix trails screensaver and settings screen
    added: my video: folder.jpg thumbnail support
    added: my video: movie file stacking (stack/unstack buttons)
    added: my video: movie database with genres like music database
    added: my video: direct seeking in video by entering 4-digit timecode with remote
    added: my video: fast forward/rewind (alpha)
    added: my programs: directory flattening
    added: my pictures: recursive picture slideshow
    fixed: a/v sync issues (we call it SuperSync (tm) technology ;)
    fixed: some IMDB lookup issues
    updated: various language files
    updated: my music: scan speed greatly improved
    updated: my video: mplayer.dll synced with latest mplayer cvs code (incl. xvid rc1)
    updated: up to date skins included in this build are MediaCenter (default), HiFi, Retro, lixxbox
    updated: optimized buffering and disk I/O in ftp server. Peak transfer speeds: 11mb/s down, 10mb/s up

    Note that fast forwarding is still in alpha and make sure to clear your albums subdirectory when upgrading.