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Released: XBMC.2005.0203-EXPERT

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 4 Febbraio 2005.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    >> A new CVS compile of XboxMediaCenter has been released.

    What's New/Fixed:

    ÛÛ²±°° Fixed/added/changed's from our last release					 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   Only use the skin´s included with this release or the version	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   from Chokemaniacs site. ( http://www.chokemaniac.net )		   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° Other skins or old skins may not work.						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   There is a mplayer.dll that is pre6 included with this release   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   and if you want to use it activate it from settings->My Movies.  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° (Use alternate mplayer core)									 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   scr ipts are ready for use, all should be setup from the start.   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   Enjoy the most complete and unaltered XBMC build out.		    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   03-02-2005 fixed: [ 1095048 Part 2 ] Icon for folder displayed   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 using XBE's icon (also fixed some stupidities).	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   02-02-2005 updated: Italian language file (Thnx to kotix)		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 02-02-2005 updated: German language file						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   02-02-2005 updated: Finnish language file (Thnx to jutski)	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 02-02-2005 updated: Norwegian language file					 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 (Thnx to vnmartinsen)								 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   02-02-2005 changed: removed libcdrip from project, libcdio	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 replaces it										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   02-02-2005 changed: cd ripper now uses libcdio for ripping	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   02-02-2005 changed: cdda player is now based on libcdio		  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 02-02-2005 updated: libcdio to version 0.72					 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   02-02-2005 added: Profile overwrite + context menu in		    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 profilewindow for overwrite/rename/delete.		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   01-02-2005 added: mplayer support for new system\players		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 directory structure, enable Alternate mplayer core in °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 settings to use it. Requires new compiled			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 mplayer.dll, old dll's still needs to be in old	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 mplayer dir.										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   01-02-2005 fixed: [ 1113362 ] Selecting "All songs" in Artist	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 view takes awfully long time						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 01-02-2005 fixed: Slow music search							 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   01-02-2005 fixed: [ 1095048 ] If no DVD is in the drive, do not  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 use cached thumbnail.								 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   01-02-2005 added: My Programs option to cache thumbnails.		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 HDDLoader users will want to turn this off.		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-01-2005 fixed: Screenshot mem is freed correctly in		   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 overlays mode										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-01-2005 fixed: Some defaults for movie viewing + "subs delay" °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 message no longer shows on movie start.			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-01-2005 fixed: Incorrect webrequest HEAD sent when a value	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 was entered for HTTP Proxy Host but HTTP proxy was °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 disabled.											 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-01-2005 fixed: videos (in certain resolutions) crash on	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 subtitle/osd display, more commonly reported as	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 "MPEG2 files don't play".							 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-01-2005 added: Representative screenshot for overlay modes.   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-01-2005 added: SF patch from kraqh3d enhancing the music	  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 title format: %N = tracknumber, %T = title,		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 %A = artist, %B = album, %G = genre, %Y = year,	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 %% for a % sign.									 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 31-01-2005 updated: German (Austrian) language file			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 (Thnx to CEOMR)									 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 30-01-2005 updated: libcdio to version 0.71					 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 30-01-2005 updated: German language file						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-01-2005 updated: Finnish language file (Thnx to jutski)	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-01-2005 updated: Norwegian language file (Thnx to vnmartinsen)°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-01-2005 added: Auto gui resolution, sets highest enabled	  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 resolution, Settings->Appearance->				 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 Look and Feel->Resolution							 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-01-2005 added: Music listing style can be specified in		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 options (in place of the Hide Track Numbers option) °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-01-2005 fixed: Now Playing in My Videos goes to playlist view °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 even if nothing is playing.						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-01-2005 fixed: Canceling scan of videos causes freeze.		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-01-2005 changed: Reboot from FatalErrorHandler works on all   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 buttons now (thanks Fulg!)						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-01-2005 fixed: Screensaver dims videos in ComboRenderer.	  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 30-01-2005 fixed: crash when leaving kai window				 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-01-2005 fixed: [ 1107267 ] CRC32::Compute needs to be case	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 insensitive (All thumbs need to be recreated)		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-01-2005 added: file manager, show free disk space for hdd and °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 total size for DVD								 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   29-01-2005 fixed: 1080i aspect ratio in ComboRenderer		    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   29-01-2005 added: Pictures auto-rotate using EXIF information	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   29-01-2005 fixed: Zoom in pictures should pause slideshow till   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 unzoomed											 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 29-01-2005 added: Video database update code					 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   29-01-2005 added: Video settings are saved per-file to the	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 video database.									 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 29-01-2005 added: [ 1111870 ] Blue Screen of Death			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 (which isn't blue), thanks to Fulg				 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   29-01-2005 fixed: textsubtitles were being rendered in		   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 sourceresolution instead of outputresolution causing °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 larg(er) subs and >2 lines on low(er)				 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 resolution videos.								 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   29-01-2005 fixed: vobsubs were being clipped instead of scaled   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 unless displayresolution matched the vobsubresolution °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 and no overscan was set. (only with mplayer pre6)	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   29-01-2005 fixed: subtitle files with uppercase extension were   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 not loaded										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-01-2005 fixed: attempting to change audio track locks up xbmc °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-01-2005 added: [ 1102392 ] XLink, support for multiple games  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 dirs (Thanks to scampa123)						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 Use a ; to separate them (example: f:\games;g:\games) °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-01-2005 changed: free a little more memory when leaving	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 kai window										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-01-2005 fixed: my programs, last focused control is not	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 remembered										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-01-2005 changed: Merged audio/video/dvd cachesize settings	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 for harddisk to 1 setting. Added cachesize setting °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 for unknown types on the internet (url's without a °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 known audio or video extension). Allow cache sizes °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 of 0.												 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-01-2005 fixed: ID3 tags with UTF16 fields show strange		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 characters										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-01-2005 updated: Polish language file (Thnx to napek)		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 26-01-2005 updated: German (Austrian) language file			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 (Thnx to CEOMR)									 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-01-2005 updated: Norwegian language file (Thnx to vnmartinsen)°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-01-2005 added: Options to disable looking for custom thumbs on°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			  remote shares (folder.jpg/folder.tbn/<filename>.tbn), °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 Will speed things up on a slow connection and/or slow °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 server and/or you have many folders.				 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 Settings -> My Videos/My Music -> Library			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-01-2005 changed: Default IMDb url is now akas.imdb.com for	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 alternative title support.						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-01-2005 added: [1105853]Added locks & context menu to		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 My Programs, fixed some bugs - thanks to slacker!	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-01-2005 fixed: Screensaver could show music info -		    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 thanks to kraqh3d!								 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-01-2005 fixed: music info tag, remove possible \r\n at the	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 end of a tag field (artist, title...)				 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-01-2005 updated: Finnish language file (Thnx to jutski)	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 24-01-2005 updated: German (Austrian) language file			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 (Thnx to CEOMR)									 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-01-2005 updated: Norwegian language file (Thnx to vnmartinsen)°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-01-2005 updated: Italian language file (Thnx to kotix)		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-01-2005 fixed: Zoom mode in Combo renderer + glitches.		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 Should be as good as (or surpass) the YUY2 Overlays °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 method now.										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 22-01-2005 fixed: memory leak in Kai UI						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 21-01-2005 fixed: the heading of dialog keyboard was			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 not displayed										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 21-01-2005 updated: German language file						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   21-01-2005 changed: XLink window and dialogs are localizable now °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   19-01-2005 added: [ 1099915 ] Enable debug log by pressing X+Y   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 while starting XBMC (Thanks to jarkkom).			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 Enables logdebug, mplayerdebug and showfreemem.	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   19-01-2005 updated: Finnish language file (Thnx to jutski)	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   18-01-2005 updated: Catalan language file (Thnx to buc)		  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 18-01-2005 updated: German language file						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 18-01-2005 updated: German (Austrian) language file			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 (Thnx to CEOMR)									 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   18-01-2005 updated: Norwegian language file (Thnx to vnmartinsen)°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 17-01-2005 added: some more startuplogging					 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   17-01-2005 fixed: Minor blackscreen issues when starting videos  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 in some view modes (NB: Zoom is still not functioning °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 in the overlay modes).							 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   17-01-2005 added: Combination Overlays/Pixel shader method	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 (faster than just overlays, with the same (or better?)°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 quality)											 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   17-01-2005 changed: Minor tweaks to the pixel shader YV12->RGB   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 coefficients.										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   17-01-2005 removed: Slow overlays method as it gave no		   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 improvement in quality							 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   16-01-2005 changed: mplayer command for postprocessing,		  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 no quality changes								 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 16-01-2005 added: Option to add Film Grain on video			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   16-01-2005 updated: Korean language file (Thnx to akoakoako)	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   16-01-2005 updated: Polish language file (Thnx to napek)		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 16-01-2005 fixed: CDDA playback broken						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   15-01-2005 added: [ 1097508 ] Fix for FTP logging, new		   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 GetTime/DateFormat functions (Thanks to jarkkom)	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 Logging is disabled by default, xbfilezilla will	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 write a daily logfile to /xbmc/Logs/				 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 To enable logging set "Enable logging" in			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 "FileZilla Server.xml" to 1						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   14-01-2005 changed: extended asx parsing to support entryref	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 tags and different tag-casing						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   14-01-2005 added: [ 1097753 ] Updated XBMC masterlock/share lock °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 code (Thanks to slacker)							 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   13-01-2005 fixed: Album thumbs don't show as icon for folder	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 in listview										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   13-01-2005 updated: Finnish language file (Thnx to jutski)	   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   13-01-2005 updated: Norwegian language file (Thnx to vnmartinsen)°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   13-01-2005 fixed: [ 1039490 ] Fan speed reset to full speed on   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 exit on 1.6 Xbox									 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   11-01-2005 fixed: LPCM audio from ex. Music Video DVD's would	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 only create static.								 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   11-01-2005 fixed: Button scroller issues on homepage.		    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   11-01-2005 added: Third rendering method using overlays.		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 Added purely to help find the reason behind the	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 quality improvements gained from the previous overlay °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 method. This new method is identical to the previous °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 overlays method, except it uses mplayers builtin	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 YV12->YUY2 fast convertor. Further info will be	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 available later today in the thread:				 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 http://www.xboxmediaplayer.de/cgi-bin/forums/		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 ikonboard.pl?;act=ST;f=3;t=3916					 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 NB: This output looks identical to my eyes as the	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 output from the pixel shader.						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   11-01-2005 changed: Webserver authentication now defaults to	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 BASIC instead of DIGEST. Solves Firefox issues.	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   10-01-2005 added: Second rendering method using overlays.		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 Renderers can be switched from the GUI			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 (Video Settings->Filters) Known Issues: 1080i may not °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 be 100% in terms of Aspect ratio - it hasn't been	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 tested. Renderers cannot be switched on the fly	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 - change will take effect at next movie play.		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 Overlays method is much slower than the pixel shader °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 method - reason is mostly to do with the software	 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 YV12->YUY2 conversion done by mplayer.			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   10-01-2005 fixed: [ 1059668 ] OSD and scene skip bug.		    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   10-01-2005 fixed: Slideshow info shows part of directory instead °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 of filename in osd								 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   10-01-2005 fixed: subtitles wouldn't display if on CD/DVD		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   09-01-2005 updated: Greek language file (Thnx to modon)		  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   09-01-2005 fixed: fullscreen video view mode info, soften		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 setting for video was not displayed				 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   09-01-2005 updated: Chinese (Traditional) language file		  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 (Thnx to iikii)									 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 09-01-2005 updated: Chinese (Simple) language file			 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 (Thnx to iikii)									 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   09-01-2005 fixed: Pathes in progress dialog where not correctly  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 shortened											 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   09-01-2005 changed: minor GUIThumbnailPanel performance tweaks   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   09-01-2005 fixed: scanning smb shares the second time doesn't	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 show the add/rescan dialog						 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   09-01-2005 fixed: audio skips once on startup of videos		  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   09-01-2005 fixed [ 1090730 ] Playback Of MP3 Files With @		°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   08-01-2005 fixed: playlist windows, current playing item		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 disappears after using the context menu in it		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   08-01-2005 changed: video/music info, smoother update of icons   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 after getting information							 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°° 08-01-2005 fixed: thumb cache was not cleared				 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   08-01-2005 changed: minor GUIListControl performance tweaks	  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   08-01-2005 changed: minor guiImage & xprfont performance tweaks  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   07-01-2005 changed: Removed TITLE mapping to playlist view in	°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 My Music and My Videos - it's on the context		 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 menu anyway.										 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°																 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   07-01-2005 changed: cdrip encoders moved into dll's, this should °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 result in a smaller executable and a bit faster cd °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°			 ripping (don't forget to copy the new system folder!) °°±²ÛÛ