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Released: XBMC.2004.1102-EXPERT

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 3 Novembre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:

    >> A new CVS compile of XboxMediaCenter has been released today.

    What's new/fixed (From Readme):

    ÛÛ²±°°   Fixed/added/changed's from our last release                      °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°                                                                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   Only use the skin´s included with this release or the version    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   from Chokemaniacs site. ( [url]http://www.chokemaniac.net[/url] )           °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   Other skins or old skins will couse problems.                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   For a list with skins that work goto [url]http://tinyurl.com/3todn[/url]    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   Sorry for the tinyurl but was the only way to fit it into the    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   nfo for you to read :p                                           °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°                                                                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   01-11-2004 updated: Dutch language file (Thnx to joepmeloenx)    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   01-11-2004 updated: German (Austrian) language file              °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              (Thnx to CEOMR)                                       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-10-2004 updated: Dutch language file (Thnx to joepmeloenx)    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-10-2004 fixed: album info is not displayed in songs           °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-10-2004 updated: German language file                         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-10-2004 updated: Romanian language file (Thnx to bompy)       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-10-2004 updated: Portuguese (Brazil) language file            °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              (Thnx to wellingtontu)                                °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-10-2004 updated: Polish language file (Thnx to napek)         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-10-2004 updated: French language file (Thnx to modhack2)      °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-10-2004 added: [ 1051008 ] CD-TEXT support                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              (doesn't work on all drives!!!) (Thnx to mog)         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-10-2004 added: <allowoverlay> tag to give skinners the        °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              ability to enable/disable the overlay windows via     °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              xml file                                              °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-10-2004 added: SF patch #1056254	New simple-stacking mode  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              for video                                             °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-10-2004 added: Possibility for skinners to define their own   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              windows (custom*.xml where * is a number)             °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-10-2004 added: SF patch #1056175 FTP server uses /E/ now      °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              instead of /E:/                                       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-10-2004 fixed: Bug in new video code (hopefully!)             °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-10-2004 fixed: Thumbs aspect ratio in list controls           °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-10-2004 added: Support for the context menu for editting      °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              bookmarks in My Videos, My Pictures, My Music         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-10-2004 changed: Rearranged a lot of the My Videos code into  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              a base class                                          °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   29-10-2004 added: [ 990760 ] My Programs now displays shares in  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              panel (same as other sections)                        °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-10-2004 updated: Oct 24th compiled mplayer.dll                °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-10-2004 changed: removed .nfo from XboxMediaCenter.xml        °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              default <videoextensions> and added .rar|.001         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-10-2004 updated: added .001 to be handled as rar in Util.cpp  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              used with ccxstream_unrar for streaming video         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              from rar files                                        °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-10-2004 updated: XLink-KAI Private / Clan arena (alpha)       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              support.                                              °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-10-2004 updated: German language file                         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-10-2004 updated: Italian language file (Thnx to kotix)        °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-10-2004 updated: German (Austrian) language file              °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              (Thnx to CEOMR)                                       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-10-2004 fixed: Filemanager defaults to sort ascending         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              by filename.                                          °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-10-2004 fixed: Thumb aspect ratios now default to the pixel   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              ratio standards (rather than the video settings pixel °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              ratio), making skinning more predictable.             °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-10-2004 added: In slideshow/pictures viewing, thumbnails are  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              automatically generated as each picture is displayed. °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-10-2004 fixed: filemanager didn't display computername in path°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-10-2004 fixed: selecting Xecuter3 LCD would cause errors when °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              running in debug mode                                 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-10-2004 fixed: selecting Xenium LCD would show up as having   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              selected Xecuter3 and the opposite when returning to  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              setting screen.                                       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-10-2004 fixed: Autoshutdown now checks for FTP activity       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              (SF Bug #1051210)                                     °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-10-2004 added: Kai password is displayed using *'s in the GUI.°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-10-2004 fixed: Hide File extension and Parent Dir Items clash °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              in General Settings                                   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-10-2004 added: SF patch [ 1048648 ] Fix MP3 Parser due to     °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              change in multi-genre handling - thanks kraqh3d!      °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   26-10-2004 added: partial addition of SF patch [ 1050489 ]       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              Music OSD Timeout - thanks kraqh3d!                   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-10-2004 fixed: Slideshow aspect ratio                         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-10-2004 added: New Slideshow                                  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-10-2004 added: context menu is mapped to TITLE on the remote  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   24-10-2004 added: dialog to allow user to do a reboot instead    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              of reset                                              °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   23-10-2004 updated: German language file                         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   23-10-2004 changed: Greek language file (Thnx to modon)          °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   23-10-2004 changed: Slovenian language file (Thnx to hijacker)   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   23-10-2004 changed: Dutch language file (Thnx to joepmeloenx)    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   23-10-2004 changed: Maltese language file (Author unknown)       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   23-10-2004 changed: Using less memory for video playback now     °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   22-10-2004 changed: libcdio updated to 0.70 (Thnx to Mog)        °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   20-10-2004 added: ssl support to python                          °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   20-10-2004 added: python dll loading, this means python can now  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              make use of extension .pyd (make sure you update your °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              python/lib directory)                                 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   20-10-2004 fixed: some fixes and additions to the socket         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              emulation in the dll loader                           °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   20-10-2004 fixed: Flashing green bar in video                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   20-10-2004 added: USB Keyboard support                           °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              (see keymap.xml for mapping)                          °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   20-10-2004 added: New Filemanager                                °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   20-10-2004 added: New setting to disable the display of          °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              tracknumbers in My Music                              °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   20-10-2004 added: New setting to remove Parent Dir items         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              from lists + thumbpanels                              °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   20-10-2004 added: List Controls now display the thumbs           °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              instead of just icons                                 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   19-10-2004 fixed: mplayer leaks memory (next partial fix)        °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              audio render wasn't being freed                       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   19-10-2004 fixed: memleaks in RSS feed reader                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   19-10-2004 fixed: possible memleak in filezilla                  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   19-10-2004 fixed: [ 1049621 ] hdd spindown broken                °°±²ÛÛ