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Released: XBMC.2004.0531-EXPERT

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 1 Giugno 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Û²±°°   ±±±±                  XBMC.2004.0531-EXPERT                 ±±±±   °°±²Û
    Û²±°°                                                                      °°±²Û
    Û²±°°°                                                                    °°°±²Û
    Û²±±°°°                                                                  °°°±±²Û
    Û²²±±°°°°       ùúúÄúÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄúÄúúù         °°°°±±²²Û
    ÛÛ²²±±±°°°°°°°             GENERAL iNFORMATiON                  °°°°°°°±±±²²ÛÛ
    ÛÛÛ²²²±±±±±±±°°°                                                °°°±±±±±±±²²²ÛÛÛ
    Û²ÛÛÛ²²²²²²²±±±°°  TYPEúúúúúúúú( APPLiCATiON                   °°±±±²²²²²²²ÛÛÛ²Û
    Û²±°ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²±±°° PLATFORMúúúú( XBOX                         °°±±²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ°±²Û
    Û²±°°ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²±±° SiZEúúúúúúúú( 23MB x 1                     °±±²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ°°±²Û
    Û²±°°ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²²±±° COMPRESSiONú( RAR                          °±±²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ°°±²Û
    Û²±°°ÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²±±°° FiLEúCHECKúú( SFV                          °°±±²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛ°°±²Û
    Û²±ÛÛÛ²²²²²²±±±°°  RLS DATEúúúú( 05/31/o4                      °°±±±²²²²²²ÛÛÛ±²Û
    Û²ÛÛ²²²±±±±±±°°°   FiTSúONúúúúú{ XBOX HDD                       °°°±±±±±±²²²ÛÛ²Û
    ÛÛÛ²²±±±°°°°°°     HOMEPAGEúúúú{ [url]Http://www.xboxmediacenter.com[/url]   °°°°°°±±±²²ÛÛÛ
    ÛÛ²²±±°°°°                       [url]Http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbmc[/url] °°°°±±²²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±±°°°                                                                °°°±±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°                         RELEASE NOTES                            °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°                                                                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   Fixed/added/changed's from our last release                      °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°                                                                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-05-2004 fixed: album info: album thumb was not assigned       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°               to a unscanned folder, if folder contains one album  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   31-05-2004 fixed: album info shows a list of albums for a folder °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              if more then one is available                         °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   30-05-2004 fixed: dvdfolder playback from local disk.            °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              wonder how many times this has been broken and fixed  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   29-05-2004 fixed: ogg 6ch channel mapping. very limited in non   °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              digital mode. only left and right channel is audioable°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-05-2004 added: subtitle charsets for Hebrew(arial-iso-8859-8, °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              size 18), Turkish(arial-iso-8859-9, size 18,24)       °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-05-2004 fixed: selected state of passthrough and output to    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              all channels settings sometimes incorrect when        °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              switching from analog to digital                      °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-05-2004 fixed: channel mapping of aac audio when using        °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              analog output (somewhat uggly, all channels are just  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              mapped down to left or right unchanged)               °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-05-2004 fixed: tivo playback                                  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   28-05-2004 changed: changes a few language files to be           °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              consistent in Settings such that there are            °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              no colons (Chokeman).                                 °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-05-2004 fixed: album info: Track duration was shown as 0:00,  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              if no duration available on allmusic.com              °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   27-05-2004 fixed: my music: album art (downloaded/from id3 tag)  °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°              was always assigned to the every file in the directory°°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°                                                                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°                                                                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   Also the 2004-05-28 version of the Project Mayhem skin is        °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   included with this package.                                      °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°                                                                    °°±²ÛÛ
    ÛÛ²±°°   Enjoy!                                                           °°±²ÛÛ