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Released: XBConnect 4.1 beta 2

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 23 Luglio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    XBConnect 4.1 beta 2

    >> From xbconnect.com:

    New since XBConnect Beta 1:

    1. Fixed chat text alignment.
    2. Fixed URL grabber in chat.
    3. Fixed some delays with signatures and avatars.
    4. Fixed exceptions handler.
    5. Added code for tracking the following:
    ---a. Time spent hosting a game. This only counts if you are actually playing a game.
    ---b. Players hosted. XBC will count the players you host while actually playing a game.
    ---c. Time spent joining in a game. Again, XBC only counts time while actually playing.
    6. Made chat nicklist one box.
    7. Colored Op/HOP and VOP players in nick list.
    8. Fixed join/part bugs in nick list.
    9. Hopefully got rid of the channel name showing up in nicklist.
    10. Added temp ban option for hosts.
    11. Prepopulated server info window for easier changing.
    12. Added recover serial to help menu.
    13. Added quit detection and option to turn it on/off.
    14. Fixed cancel on change server info.
    15. Changed default skin to MetalX.
    16. Various background changes to XBC server login, etc. Should make online status more accurate after a game is played.
    17. Fixed status window popup error.
    18. Fixed file downloads in MyXBC.