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Released: X3 Bios 1892

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 15 Ottobre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    X3 Bios 1892

    >> From TeamXecuter.com:

    * X3 Bios 1892
    I think we nailed pretty much every bug reported now. Obviousley something new will be discovered but we've released an updated build on average every 2 days over the last week due to our users amazing input - thanks !
    We recommend ALL X3 users update to this version.
    X3 1892 - Out Now Smile Click Here For Support Thread.

    What's new/fixed (since 1879):

    - removed X3 flubber for now since it seems to be the reason for non booting games (fucked up framebuffer pointer?)
    - fixed "rename" function in ftp - works now
    - fixed "dir = 0kb file" problem on D: drive, other drives work perfectly (tested with flashfxp 3.0 b1015)
    - (finally?) fixed HDTV videomodes, tested on focus and xcalibur
    - x3cl now always 480p if hd pack is attached
    - startup anim now always 480p if hd pack attached
    - Saved Games DO work. If you saved games with the older versions of X3 then they may be corrupted. New saved games