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Released: WinUAEX v5

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 12 Luglio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    WinUAEX v5

    >> Xport released a new version of WinUAEX - an Amiga emulator for Xbox.

    What's new/fixed:

    * Optimized some things here and there to increase framerate about 5 FPS.
    * Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause crashes during screenshot creation. (Affected save-states also because save states are now saved with a screenshot.)
    * Added predefinitions for Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, Amiga 1200-AGA and CD32. The new option is called "Select Machine Defaults" from the game configuration menu.
    * If you have "Always Display Save State Menu" and "Autoload most recent save state" enabled simultaneously, you will no longer be presented with the state selection menu at bootup.
    * Fixed bug where screenshots for save states were not being displayed on save state menu when the screenshot directory and save game directory are on different volumes. Screenshots that are created with save states should only appear on the save/load state menus. They should not appear in your regular screenshots directory and should not appear on the game-selection menu with the normal screenshots.
    * Added option to disable screenshots with save states
    * Fixed some invalid chars and network issues
    * If you had the option to always bring up the Save/Load state menu on and you tried to save/load a state from the Game Utilities menu you would be presented with the save/load state menu twice. This is fixed. ( People using the Game Utilities menu to save/load states should probably turn off the "Always show save/load state menu" option from the General Configuration settings.)
    * New option to change controller port devices during gameplay from in-game options menu.
    * Video device is recreated when you change the flicker filter level so you do not have to reboot to see the effect.