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Released: WinUAEX v3

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 28 Giugno 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    WinUAEX v3

    >> Xport released a new version of amiga emulator WinUAEX.

    What's new/fixed:

    * CD32/CDTV support - Plays real CD32/CDTV cds and ISO files (playing CD32 ISO files does not support WAV/MP3 CDDA tracks at this time)
    * Added "Extended ROM" to configuration screen
    * Samba, Relax, Netplay re-implemented
    * Increased max JIT cache size to 8MB
    * Increased max Chipmem size to 8MB - WHDLoad games work now
    * Added drive click sounds option "Floppy Volume" on game configuration screen
    * Fixed bug with display of FastRAM. 1MB was displayed as 0MB and vice-versa.
    * Screen tearing was not actually fixed in v2. Now it is.
    * Added "Force PAL50" mode in Video Configuration section (off by default)
    * Added "Disable Flicker Filter" to Video Configuration section (on by default)
    * Create blank ADF/HDF files from In Game Options menu
    * ADZ support
    * Fixed all special/international character-conversion to be non-DEBUG FAT-X compatible (Workbench enthusiasts)
    * Screen size/position saved for each game
    * Added more fine-grain CPU speed options. 0 = Max, 1 = Real, 2 = 100% ... 33 = 0%
    * Added "Reset Amiga" function to In-Game Options menu
    * Fixed memory bug when reading ISO9660 files
    * Added default text-viewing dir. Set it via the default directories section.
    * Text file settings (fixed width, text width) are maintained each time you go back and forth from the menu
    * When you go up a directory, the cursor is positioned over the directory you just exited.
    * Because of changes to the structure of configuration file, you'll have to reconfigure all your games.
    * Graphics filters were added back in, but only one or two of them could be used without slowing down the game (on even the simplest of games.) I removed them again so that the memory could be put to better use.
  2. Lorenz

    Lorenz Puppous User

    25 Gennaio 2005
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Cazzo vuoi?
    mmmmm...mi sa che sto programma sara' un altro xbmc... una release al giorno... meglio restare fedeli al vecchio uaex