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Released: WinSTonX v6

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 3 Luglio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    WinSTonX v6

    >> Xport released a new version of WinSTonX - an Atari ST Emulator.

    What's new/fixed:

    * Speed issue should be resolved
    * Added option to specify amount of memory (512k, 1MB, 2MB, 4MB )
    * Added configuration option to select your own TOS file. You can either select the internal TOS1.0 or select a D:\TOS_A.ROM, D:\TOS_B.ROM, or D:\TOS_C.ROM
    * Added support for virtual hard drive. Put all your files in D:\STDISKS\HARD_DRV
    * Option to select your own flicker filter level 0-5 (default is 5 - max enabled)
    * Added "Force PAL50" mode in Video Configuration section (off by default)
    * Added 720x480 and 720x576 modes to Video Configuration menu
    * Added option to hide filename extensions - find it on General Settings menu
    * Added option to always bring up save/load state menu on General Settings menu. If this option is turned on, then whenever you press the in-game button-combo to save/load a state it will display the load/save state menu from which you can select the state.
    If the option is off, then the normal default behavior of immediately loading/saving the current state slot will occur.
    * Screenshot saved with each save state
    * When you go up a directory, the cursor is positioned over the directory you just exited.
    * Added text file browser
    * Added default text-viewing dir. Set it via the default directories section.
    * Added option to configure text screen size/position for viewing text files
    * If you select the same text file to view you will be placed back at the position you left it.
    * Added Controller -] Joypad Mappings -] UI Mappings option for "Text Browser" Assign a key-combo to this function and when invoked, it will take you back to the last text file you were browsing at the position you left it. This makes it much easier to jump back and forth from game [-] doc.
    Note - you must first manually select a file to browse from the "Game Utilities" menu off of the "In Game Options" menu.
    * Other UI updates to make it current with most recent UI core