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Released: The M8 Pack v1.3 of the PBL Metoo Edition

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 23 Ottobre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    The M8 Pack v1.3 of the PBL Metoo Edition

    >> A ready to use package of the PBL - The Metoo Edition with a BFM EvoX M8 bios has been released.

    From Readme:


    * The bios loader is based on Phoenix Bios Loader 1.3 and works with all Xboxes (retail kernels 3944-5838). This is not a Phoenix release and they are not to blame for it. :)
    * Contains a BFM (Bootable From Media) image of EvolutionX M8 bios with IGR and LBA48 added by NghtShd's EVtool 1.0.6. Works with Xboxes v1.0-1.6.

    The included image M8_LBA48_IGR_Q-06-BFM.bin has the following settings/patches (can be edited with the included EVtool.exe):
    * Partition 6 (F drive) takes rest of the hard disk space
    * Quick IGR
    * Eject trick (improved over the original, can't be edited with EVtool)
    * X2 style Xbox Live blocking (can't be edited)
    The image M8_LBA48_IGR_Q-06-EF-BFM.bin is otherwise the same except it
    has eject fix (this is the corresponding image to the one in v1.0).


    From v1.2 to v1.3:
    * Added X2 style XBL blocking to the bios images.
    From v1.1 to v1.2:
    * A minor bug-fix in the code. The bug didn't affect anything, though.
    From v1.0 to v1.1:
    * Improved BFM kernel patch. Works now with Crimson Skies and Enter The Matrix.
    * Added improved eject trick patch