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Released: Surreal64 XXX b3

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 17 Aprile 2005.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    >> A new version of Surreal64 XXX - a Nintendo64 emulator - has been Released.

    What's new/fixed (since XXX b2):

    * Fixed: Controller ports 3 and 4 did not work
    * Fixed: Slowdown in Zelda Majora's Mask
    * Fixed: Changing MemPak/RumblePak via submenu did not work
    * Fixed: Enable/Disable Controller option via submenu did not work
    * Added: Rice 5.10
    * Added: Rice 5.31
    * Added: Experimental 128 MB support
    * some videoriceini editing
    * X button in the menu to decrease
    * bug of the 4 controllers solved (but there is another strange bug - solved, removed others xbinput from project and linked to include)
    * romlistcache readded
    * emu now know if it runs from cd or hd, so it can now boot from (not tested)
    * sensitivity -100% to +100%
    * X button in place of B button by default
    * debug info and find the screen size in rice5.60 but I am still looking for left and top offset position.
    * removed some input.cpp from project, not needed (there are still unneeded files I think)
    * debug info
    * configappsave2 by crc
    * include rice 510 and 531 (error compiling)
    * see if there is a bug when editing controllers (done, apparently no bugs)
    * launcher music
    * loading bar corrected
    * corrected freeze when no roms found
    * Added skin by Neverwill

    Info: http://fbaxxx.fr.st