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Released: RSS-News v1.1.0181

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 12 Gennaio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    RSS-News v1.1.0181

    >> A new version of RSS-News (formerly called XB-News) has been released.
    What's new/fixed:

    * NEW: You can update the news or Custom content for each individual subscr iption from the popup menu. Previously it was all or nothing.
    * BUG: When selecting to view the activity log the default pane size was very large. This has now been reset to display at the minimum size. Switching this option off, then back on will also reset to the minimum size. This bug also appeared when minimising and maximising.
    * NEW: Extended the Custom Content capabilities. Previously Custom content existed of 2 HTML pages, a logo, possibly a background and some colour values. Now any amount of additional files can be added. Check the AllXboxSkins Custom content for a sample of the capabilities.
    * BUG: Crash at startup caused by no subscr iptions/groups being defined. Fixed.
    * BUG: Some Custom Content files were not being unpacked correctly. Now fixed.
    * BUG: If a webpage being viewed within the RSS-News browser had a "close" button, usually controlled by the javascr ipt command onc lick="window.close()" it would close the internal browser and then crash when another page was loaded. Now you simply get a warning message that the page cannot be closed within the RSS-News browser.
    * NEW: Custom Content handling. Custom Content is simply a way of displaying news items in a colour scheme similar to the website supplying the newsfeed. This gives a way for popular sites to have a personalised identity within RSS-News. There are options to control when RSS-News will check for, and update, any Custom Content files found on the RSS-News website. You can also force a check and/or an update from the "Subscr iption" popup menu.
    * BUG: If RSS-News was maximised the panels on the main screen were not being correctly resized if the activity log was not enabled.
    * BUG: Right clicking on a site in the title panel was not working correctly. Left clicking should now open the site in the internal browser and right clicking in your external browser
    * BUG: On a clean install the default group was not being created correctly so RSS-News would crash when you tried to add a subscr iption as there was no group to add it to.
    * CHANGED: You can now select your own icon files to use with both subscr iptions and groups. RSS-News will still download a favicon.ico file when subscribing to a site although you can select another icon if you prefer.
    * BUG: If a favicon.ico file downloaded from a site was not in a valid format it would cause a crash. RSS-News now checks that the icon file is actually a valid format before attempting to use it.
    * NEW: As the program now allows a user to enter their own RSS newsfeeds I felt that the name XB-News was not right anymore since the scope of feeds available extended much further than just console sites, so for this reason I decided to rename the program RSS-News.
    * BUG: Typo in settings/preserve NEW... help text
    * CHANGE: Text/method for updating the time interval to update a subscr iption.
    * NEW: When adding a new subscr iption the list will be automatically expanded so you can view the new news immediatley
    * CHANGE: The icons for the NEW/READ/UNREAD list items has changed to all envelopes of different colours.
    * NEW: Added new tab in the "add Site" dialog which has a selection of popular RSS newsfeed sites available so they can very easily be added. The list of sites can be updated on my website by myself and you can update the list on your system with a built in update feature also found on the new tab.
    * BUG: The AUTHOR tag was missing from the default new item display page.
    * NEW: Support for Windows XP styles. This does nothing to change the ay in which the program runs, it just makes it look better on a Windows XP system!
    * NEW/BUg/CHANGED: Lots of different things have changed mainly due to a re-write of approx 70% of the existing code. The major changes are listed above.