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Released: neXgen Dashboard 16.02.04 Build BETA 2

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 15 Febbraio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    neXgen Dashboard 16.02.04 Build BETA 2

    >> A new WIP version of neXgen has been released.
    What's new/fixed:

    * Xenium Support.
    * Xml Parser Added. [Please Look At Nexgen.Xml For Options]
    * Screen Saver. (Fades Out Similar To M$Dash & Evo-X]
    * Hardisk Lock. Not Useable Yet * Hardisk Unlock. Not Useable Yet
    * Cache System In. [Faster Booting Time]
    * Most Setings Found In Nexgen.Xml.
    * Better Network Support Can Now Use DHCP And Fixed Ip.[And More Opts]
    * [Fixed] Network Cable Must Be Pluged In To Boot Xbox.
    * Auto Launch DVD / Movies.
    * Auto Search M$Dash If Not Found Use User Specified One In Xml.
    * Set Path For Default DVD Player in Xml.
    * DVD Drive Status / Media Detection.
    * Main Menu Audio Sounds. [Sounds Like M$Dash Now] [Abit Buggy]
    * Background Music Player Improved. [Press Black To Start And Stop]
    Also In Xml New Fuctions [Global, Random, UseMusic]
    * Fan Speed Added In Xml. [10 Is Default]
    * New Search Paths Moved From .Cfg Into .Xml
    * Minigames & Xenium Mainmenu Tabs Can Be Turned On & Off From Xml.
    * New Install Notes Please Read NFO