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Released: NeoDashX v1.0

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 13 Ottobre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    NeoDashX v1.0

    >> Team NeoDashX released a new version of their Neo Dash X dashboard - a modified MS dashboard. This new version includes FTP support, no-dongle DVD playback and more ...
    List of features:

    * Based on MS Dash 4920
    * 7 tabs
    * Direct link for applications, emulators...
    * 2 orbs on the Main Menu
    * Orb skinable
    * Orb built-in application, emulators menu
    * Possibilty to activate/desactivate the cellwall in the config.xbx
    * Possibilty to show an image in the orb, different images, both images or no image
    * Possibilty to activate/desactivate the orb's grid
    * Transparency of the tabs when they are higher or lower
    * MemoryX built-in
    * ControlPanel built-in
    * ControlPanel can be called from anywhere in the dash
    * Management of backgrounds
    -20 diff. backgrounds
    -possibility to set it as random
    -realtime background changing by pressing the white button
    * FTP (even during dvd playback)
    * Play dvd without the remote
    * Music start on boot if the player is set to random
    * Tabs has been rebuilt to be more smooth