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Released: ltools v1.7.5

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 11 Agosto 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    ltools v1.7.5

    >> Ldots released a new version of ltools - Memcard UDE1/UDE2 exploit Installer/Uninstaller + a lot more (linux-toolbox). From ldots on forums.xbox-scene.com:

    Hopefully it supports the v1.6 xbox now. This is not as big an update as I hoped, hence the .5 version number. Apparently the linux kernel still doesn't support the Xcalibur video chip of the v1.6 xbox to allow video output, but the installer should otherwise work on all xbox's - just without output for the v1.6

    * Fixed bugs that prevented the UDE installer to work from the commandline.
    * Updated xtool to support the v1.6 eeprom (thank to Rmenhal for the help on the new eeprom hashes).
    * Included a tool to edit the XBE region of eeprom and modified xtool to take some more safety measures when writing back the eeprom. Look here
    * Reintroduced PBL-Lite
    * Omitted the Bios selection for the regular Phoenix Bios Loader 1.4.1 and PBL-Lite. Only Phoenix Bios Loader - The Metoo Edition support the Evox M8 bios anyway.

    V1.6 owners
    When running the installer from the graphical (MediaXMenu) interface you will not get any video output on the screen. On the first install the installer will make a compressed image of the C-drive, for safety reasons and later restore capabilities. This will take some time, so just wait some minutes. When the installer is done the LED will turn from orange to blinking green, indicating that it's safe to turn off the xbox.
    If you want to follow the installation interactively you can instead run the "mini-linux" from the MXM menu and make a telnet connection to the xbox (info in root post). Then type 'UDE' to start the installer which will take you through a series of setup questions.
    For non-v1.6 owners who dont care about PBL-Lite there is no point in upgrading.