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Released: iND-BiOS 5002 and IND-Bios Configurator v0.4.25

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 28 Ottobre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    iND-BiOS 5002

    >> A new version of iND-BiOS (a configurable hacked MS bios released by an independent group and working on all modchips) has been released.

    What's new/fixed (since build 5001):

    * Fixed - buggy IGR.
    * Fixed - issue that prevented NOSOUND=1 from working
    * Fixed - issue with config injector that caused no video in some cases
    * Fixed - custom blob distortion when flubber background was off
    * Added - In-Game Shutdown, Tray eject/close, and Power Cycle
    * Added - Custom MAC address
    * Added - a few things to the feature list that were present in 5001, just not noted
    * Change - text.x files don't need face inversion
    * Included newest version of our IND-Bios Configurator(info), v0.4.25
    To be added:
    * xcalibur video chip + 1.6 smc support
    * And more...
    Full release notes/features: nfo on xbins.org

    Here's what's new in the IND-Bios Configurator v0.4.25 (since last version posted on xbox-scene: v0.4.12):

    * Fixed Saving of Colors with Alpha not being saved properly when R or G was 0
    * Added CFG Injector (Bios Build 5002)
    * Added function to change path/filename of where the Bios finds the CFG on the XBOX (Bios Build 5002)
    * Revamped UI. Less Checkboxes, friendlier to use.
    * Fixed FOG1 Loading/Saving Bug.
    * Changed to Sliders for Blob Radius and Camera View
    * Added Web Check. Checks online for program updates.
    * Loading of Fog/Scenerey Alpha fixed
    * Added XLIGHTCOLOR to 'X Screen'
    * Fixed Saving of Colors (Due to new color Picker)
    * XBT Importing is fully working now
    * Minor Loading/Saving enhancements
    * Moved to a much nicer Color Picker
    * Internal Fixes