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Released: Halo Maps Release 11: Gephyrophobia

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 17 Dicembre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Halo Maps Release 11: Gephyrophobia

    >> Hizlo and CLuis of HaloMaps.com released the 11th map of their Halo mappack:

    Halo Maps Release #11: Gephyrophobia (HPC/HCE Map). Yes its the real deal people.
    Ok... here it is people! Halo CE / Halo PC Maps finally converted to Xbox. Enough said!

    I am finally happy to announce that the Halo Map Pack (maps) is complete. I have to mention one thing... As of right now I have released 11 Maps and I currently have 5 more for you. This is how we are going to decide on the final 13 for the game... I will host a poll on all the maps I have released and you people will have the final decision on my final UI. My servers are probably going to be in and out with all this traffic because what I am about to release has never been done before! I will release the last six maps within 5 days of each other; I suggest you keep your eyes pealed.
    Since you have all been waiting so patiently for me to finish my Map Pack you all deserve to know what other maps are complete and will be headed your way:
    * Danger Canyon
    * Death Island
    * Ice Fields
    * Infinity
    * Timberland
    The maps I listed above are not in the works they are complete. So stay tuned for more crazy shit coming your way!