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Released: Halo 2 Mod: Moon StrongHold v1.2

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 15 Febbraio 2005.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Halo 2 Mod: Moon StrongHold v1.2

    >> From halomods.com:

    Scotty GEE has released his final build (Version 1.2) of his Moon Stronghold mod for Halo2. You will need to patch Coagulation with the patchfiles below. Thanks to sew3521 for the heads up.

    -Moon Stronghold 1.2 Beta updates:
    * Toned down Psi grenades with a nicer look and feel.
    * Kool Story and tutorials and credentials and game types and weapon info list package thing.
    * Tried to even out the weapon damage (some guns were way to powerful)
    * Given guns the appearance to suit the story
    * Geyser Cannon
    * Scorpian is faster Very Happy
    * Weapon's Shooting improvements
    * Added base defence (play some CTF hehehehe)
    * Added all guns to the level
    * Improved light gun which has kool strategy potential
    * Improved cliff textures and made the ground texture not repeat it self
    * The hog actually shows its green headlights on the map.
    * Blind gun does no damage just blinds
    * There SHOULD be magnusses M but if not. I will make a new release ASAP with it.
    * Banshee and ghost shoot and can boost at same time.
    * NEW MAGNET GUN details in readme
    * Hog plays mainmenu music (Scotty GEE's gonna try and make it custom (have some fully sick beats Very HappyVery HappyVery HappyVery Happy)...probly with jefff's help. who is kool
    -Updates 1.1
    * weapons overhaul! (not skins yet unfortunatly)
    * JetPack!
    * Beta Psi Grenades!
    * Blind Gun!
    * Light Gun!
    * Warthog lights always on.
    * Fixedc the base wall and ground texture (looked like shit)
    -Updates 1.0
    * Battle Rifle REALLY is auto now
    * Trees are almost gone
    * Golden gun REALLY blows stuff up in one shot
    -still to come:
    * Magnus's BIG red M
    * Cairo Station's Sound Mask