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Released: Gentoox Loader v5.2, v5.3 e v5.4

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 31 Gennaio 2005.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Gentoox Loader v5.2

    Staying up all night to release software that obsoletes a large chunk of Resctoox? Yuoknowsit!
    I proudly present Gentoox Loader v5.2 with... Net Flash (integrated flashing support over HTTP!). Many people have asked for this (namely those who get stuck with Gentoox Loader on their TSOP).
    Many thanks to Team Xecuter for keeping open source open and not hiding it away like so many others do! This is a direct derivative of their FlashBIOS code (which is based on the LwIP TCP/IP stack and HTTPd).

    This has been tested with IE6 with an Xecuter 2.0 Pro on an Xbox v1.1 and has worked flawlessly... it has been tested, but that doesn't mean to say that it is guaranteed to work. If you don't follow the instructions carefully, you're going to run into trouble. Regardless of how well you follow the instructions, I cannot and will not be held accountable for any bad flashes that may result from using this software --- remember guarantee-wise with the GNU/GPL, you get what you pay for.
    I am also not responsible for how people use this software. My intention is that it will be used for easy upgrading of Gentoox Loader or for people to revert their TSOP back to their OEM BIOS.

    Run "magic" now to upgrade E:gentooxx.xbe automatically. You will need to flash your modchip manually - magic wont do this for you.

    With that said, enjoy. I'm going to bed.
    REMEMBER: Feedback!

    Gentoox Loader v5.3

    CD flashing? Why not!
    dmp and I spent a couple of hours debugging the iso9660 driver in Cromwell and fixed it to allow flashing from CD! Many thanks to him!
    Now for the boring stuff... Your BIOS must be on CD (duh) named "image.bin" - it can be of any size but must be divisible by 256 (e.g. 256K, 512K, 768K, 1024K...).
    This has been tested with a 256K BIOS and a 1024K BIOS on an X2Pro. See the manual and previous post for disclaimers. To summarise: I will not be held accountable for bad flashes or misuse of this programme.
    Run magic to update gentoox.xbe on your E: drive.

    Gentoox Loader v5.4

    Okay, unless I find bugs or anything really important to implement, I'm done with Gentoox Loader releases for a while (I promise!).
    Gentoox Loader v5.4 contains a HUGE number of flash types so every modchip out there which support third party flashing should work!
    This update comes thanks to cryogenic of Gentoox Forums pointing out ShepD's Unauthorized FlashBIOS project.
    You know the routine, run magic, update your BIOS manually.