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Released: Fba-xxx 02.08.2004 build

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 2 Agosto 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Fba-xxx 02.08.2004 build

    >> Fbaxxx team released a new version of Fba-xxx - a neogeo, cps2, cps1 emulator for Xbox.

    What's new/fixed:

    Bug Fixes:

    * BLACK SCREEN bug fixed (that was a FM interpolation error)
    * XBE is now correctly patched and should work with all Xbox/BIOS
    * Possible crash in .DAT files creation with the old dumps version
    * SMA Protected games (and some others) showed the grid when launched
    * Guwange graphical glitches + random crash still exists in old dumps version
    * Possible crash when launching a game with a lot of bad CRCs
    * Crash when entering replay menu with some cheats enabled when replay folder is empty
    * A bunch of menu entries quit menus instead of returning to previous one
    New Features:
    * Replays can now be recorded with cheats activated
    * Cheats configuration is loaded/saved upon game loading/exit
    * Game versions can be hide when browsing the list (for example: "Guwange" instead of "Guwange (1999 6/24 master ver.)"
    * Widescreen and progressive scan (HDTV) support :) (Have to be enabled in MS Dashboard)