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Released: dyne:bolic v1.4

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 5 Gennaio 2005.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    dyne:bolic v1.4

    >> A new version of dyne:bolic - a Xbox/PC live bootable cd Linux distro - has been released:

    Here we go with version 1.4 codename LUMUMBA, read the full announcement and download the torrent, everyone is encouraged to upgrade to this release which runs on all Xbox models, fixes modem dialup and upgrades most applications to complete the range of multimedia functionalities offered by dyne:bolic, with even more speed and more devices supported.

    What's new/fixed:

    * Pure Data equipped with all major extensions: PDP, PiDiP, RRadical, grid, pique, bonk, choice, fiddle, freeverb, zexy, GEM-0.90, OSC and more (10x to Aymeric, Derek, Frank, Yves, Tom and PD!)
    * Blender-2.33a + Yafray-0.0.7 + Python game engine
    * LiVES 0.9.1 with Ogg/Theora and _many_ other codecs!
    * FreeJ-0.7.1 "BIKO" - RASTASOFTWARE! console remote controller (VJ over Ethernet) and Procedural Video scr ipting: evolution from NLE systems
    * updated Linux 2.4.26, Alsa, OpenMosix and SquashFS-2.1 with improved efficience and wider device support including Zoran devices and most video boards
    * Xbox support up to recent versions and cromwell bios
    * Python is included with GUI extensions
    * Fix to modem connection, now fully functional
    * new software: Jamin-0.8, InkScape-0.39, poedit-1.2.5, KPhone-4.0.2, TimeMachine-0.2.4, tftp-hpa-0.38, Bomb-1.26, Pure-Ftpd-1.0.20, mlDonkey-2.5.22, Circle-0.41c, Aqualung-0.9b2, FLAC-1.1, iftop-0.17p1, Emacs-21.3, Seq24-0.5.2, Thunderbird-1.0, Chestnut-dialer-0.1, libtheora-1.0a4
    * Mobilemesh wireless adaptive routing daemon see /usr/mobilemesh (10x to Elektra)
    * updated software: FreeJ-0.7.1, MuSE-0.9.1, ImageMagick-6, LADSPA, Jack-0.98.1, Blender-2.33a, Cinelerra-1.2.1, Gaim-1.0, GQview-1.4.3, isolinux 2.10, GEM-0.90, pd-0.37-4, Audacity-1.2.2, LiVES-0.9.1, BlueFish-0.13, EffecTV-0.3.9, MPlayer-1.0pre5, QJackCtl-0.2.10, Hydrogen-0.9, SDL-1.2.7, png-1.2.7, Xfe-0.72, libFOX-1.2.9, Firefox-1.0, Rezound-0.11.1beta, ogg-1.1.1, vorbis-1.0.1, Hydrogen-0.9.1, mjpegtools-1.6.2
    * new games: Eboard, Racer and Eat The Whistle! tk-solitaire and Starfighter-1.1.1 plus the juicy updates for Wesnoth-0.8.6
    * more documentation in the dynebolic user's manual
    * lectrobrain :: thk03