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Released: dvd2xbox v0.6.0

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 22 Ottobre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    dvd2xbox v0.6.0

    >> WiSo released a new version of dvd2xbox.

    What's new/fixed:

    * started to rewrite the underlaying file reader/writer classes (udf,dvd,iso9660,ftp)
    * ISO: fixed a memory leak in the ISO9660 copy module
    * DVD: fixed the long key crack time when copying .vob files
    * DVD: added cache for storing title keys
    * DVD: removed title crack method per default and let libdvdcss decide
    * FTP client: fixed a few bugs
    * Added the newest samba library from xbmc
    * replaced simplexml by tinyxml
    * added a lot of comments to dvd2xbox.xml
    * added a xbe information page to the main menu (press black to obtain informations about the inserted game) and to the disc browser (use the action menu to obtain informations about any xbe on hdd)
    * added a new ACL function called SR (set game region). The syntax is similar to SM (set media). See dexbe for allowed region settings. Default is all regions for all xbe's (SR|*.xbe|00000007|)
    * fixed ACL processing for multiple selection in disc browser (SF1042562)
    * fixed logfile writing when calling ACL processing manually
    * finally added the missing drives (c,x,y,z)
    * all ACL files from dvd2xbox.xbox-scene.com
    * Not all planned changes found their way in 0.6.0 but anyway, enjoy the new release and as usual report all bugs to me at forums.xbox-scene.com or the sourceforge project page.