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Released: dvd2xbox 0.5.9

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da imported_[The_Doc], 28 Luglio 2004.

  1. imported_[The_Doc]

    imported_[The_Doc] Tribe Newbie

    5 Dicembre 2003
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    dvd2xbox 0.5.9

    >> A new version of dvd2xbox 0.5.9 has been released:

    What's new/fixed:

    + ACL: added possibility to patch NTSC and PAL titles separately. dvd2xbox tries to detect it from the xbox eeprom
    and then searches for [titleID]_pal.acl or [titleID]_ntsc.acl. dvd2xbox uses its standard behaviour if the video
    standard couldn't be obtained or the pal/ntsc acl file isn't found.
    + ACL: added ppf3 patcher sources and the makeppf3.exe binary as ppf2 seems to produces some error in conjunction with
    dvd2xbox (http://www.paradogs.com/pdx_ppf3.htm for more information).
    + linked to the newest OggVorbis and Lame libraries compiled by the XBMC team. This almost doubles speed for ripping
    /encoding to ogg and mp3. Kudos to the developer.
    + fixed a bug which could cause dvd2xbox to crash while ripping to ogg vorbis.