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Released: dvd2xbox 0.5.8

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 4 Giugno 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    dvd2xbox 0.5.8

    >> WiSo released a new version of dvd2xbox.
    What's new/fixed:

    * added a backup retry mode. If for any reason some files failed to copy a window will pop up and ask you to retry or to cancel (maincopy mode).
    * Testing: added a simple ftp client to the disk browser which lets you copy files from your xbox hdd (only hdd!) to a ftp server and vice versa (xbox[-]xbox). Supported are basic functions like copy/delete,mkdir and rmdir/file.
    * added a simple text viewer. View your logfile directly in dvd2xbox after ripping etc (currently only support for files from UDF).
    * fixed a minor bug in the rename function (thanks to hubevolution and murdo).
    * removed acl.all from processing because it confuses to many people.
    * added a new ACL command (see ACLSyntax.txt for more):
    AP - applies patches in ppf format to a file (see http://www.paradogs.com/pdx_ppf2.htm for more info. The win binary makeppf.exe is included to create ppf files).
    * updated to the newest cdrip from cdex cvs.
    * fixed some smaller bugs.

    Note: the ACL files changed. Remove your old copy and replace it by the files provided with this package.
    To all ACL writers: the SM operation needs to be done in every acl file from now on due to the removal of the all.acl file.
    Sorry if there're some bugs left but I don't have much time at the moment. Just report them to xbox-scene.com and I'll try to fix them in the next version.
    The Webpage will be updated when the ftp is back.