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Released: ccXgui v1.2

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 13 Maggio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    ccXgui v1.2

    >> [XC]D-Ice released a new version of ccXgui. From dott.lir.dk/ccxgui

    Hi all. I am sorry for the long time, before a new release. The reason for this, is that I am a bit short of money, and after my lovely old 1.1 xbox melted (ask my dad why..he he) I had to use the money for a new, which I also had to chip because of mb revision (1.4)... damn...
    Right now I am working my a*s off, so I can buy a Xbox Crystal Edition, a XBCase, and hopefully also a rack-server. Therefore there had been ' so little time for coding on ccXgui :( Well...here is the newest release, so enjoy it. I just hope I soon can spend some more time on ccXgui.

    btw. do NOT select both small and full, in the install. :)

    + Manually set the server IP address
    - removed update (still to buggy)
    * Cleaned some of the code
    * Better Task-bar info
    * Hopefully the Autostart "bug" should be gone now.
    + Works for win98, winME, etc. again (you can install GUI without service)