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Released: C-Xbox Tool v2.0.5

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 4 Novembre 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    C-Xbox Tool v2.0.5

    >> Ali Coban released a new version of C-Xbox Tool - an xISO creating/extracting and managing tool with FTP support - on gueux.be.

    What's new/fixed:

    * Boost Mode support implemented. This feature can be enable from options-preferences.This feture does not work with FTP-Explore and works only for uploading ISO's or directories from FTP-tab. This feature is default disabled, to enable it, go to options - preferences. It must be also enabled on your dash.
    * Ability to Create ISO-images from your (XBOX)FTP-server.
    * A new tab added named "FTP Explore" which is acting just like a FTP-Client. With this option you can; tranfer to/from (XBOX)FTP-server, delete, rename and move(this means "cut/paste" but only in the same partition). It's simple but very usefull.
    * Bugfix while transferring to XBox which uses XBMC as dash, but if there were moredashes where it did went wrong, I didn't test.
    * Ability to remove the iso-file when the file is extracted (immediatly, before the batch is completed)
    * Ability to remove the source-folder when the iso-file is extracted (immediatly, before the batch is completed)
    * Checking for necessary space before adding/editing Createion/extraction items. If remove option is used for extracting or creating, the checking will be done just before creating or extracting one iso-item. This because after creating or extractingthe item, the source will be deleted and there will be more space available again. Checking, just before creating/extracting, will be done even if the remove option is selected this because you need some free space for the first extraction or creation.
    * Checking for necessary free space for multigame-iso
    * On the multigame tab you can select up to 9000 mb discsize. No idea if a dual layer disc burnt (for example) for 8000 mb's should work, but no problems creationg that sized iso-images.
    * 4 More languages are added: Swedish, Italian, Finnish and Spanish.