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Released: BlackStormX (BSX) v1.0 beta

Discussione in 'Console News, Articoli e Recensioni' iniziata da Ivan, 5 Luglio 2004.

  1. Ivan

    Ivan Administrator

    9 Dicembre 2002
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    BlackStormX (BSX) v1.0 beta

    >> From readme:

    Alright folks...the first release is out. Sorry for any bugs you might find, but I promise an update in the next few days. Zogo will also be releaseing some updates for the patcher that should be exciting. The file you want is BSX_v1.0beta_clean. Do not download anything else as there were some serious problems with the patcher in a prerelease that may be circulating...hopefully not though. Any bugs, suggestions, etc. go in the forums. I hope you enjoy the dash as much as we did making it. Expect better things to come.

    Alot of time was spent adding functionality to the dash including.
    By no means complete, this beta release contains:
    Entirely Remodeled Dash
    New Menu System
    -"Idiot Proof" Config Panel
    -Skins Menu
    -Skins Preview
    -Skins Switching
    -In Dash Hex Editing
    -LED switching
    -3D ScreenSaver
    -Visualizer Switching

    Initially, this project was meant to be an extension of tHc's groundbreaking work, however, circumstances forced us to form our own group. While almost all thc code has been removed from this dash, we would like to give credit to thc for the following functions:
    -Skins archieving from skin.xip
    -Hard Drive Space (hack by fuck_db and implemention initally by thc)

    Keeping checking the site at www.blackstormx.com for competitions (sponser has agreed to give us X3 modchips!), updates, bug fixes. #blackstormX on EFNET for help.